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Kayloni's pov

Jordan grabbed my hand leading me to class. i'm not gonna lie, I blushed JUST A LITTLE when she grabbed my hand.
We were going through the halls holding hands and then she walked me into a class room. she pulled a seat out for me and I thanked her. She sat beside me and I realized we were still holding hands.
"You gonna keep your hand there?" I asked giggling a bit.
"Oh my bad" Jordan said quickly taking her hand off of mine blushing.
"Nawl don't move it, I like it there." I said grabbing her hand. I coulda sworn I seen her blush.

We sat there a second on our phones until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around seeing DayDay and Keo.
"Yo wsg" I said holding my free hand out to dap them up, the other still holding Jordan's hand. By this point Jordan's attention was on us.
"Wassup my heart" DayDay said leaning down in my ear to tell me something.
"Meet me after school in the front of the gym." he said before leaving.

"What'd he say?" Jordan asked furrowing her eyebrows.
"He said to meet him after school, he didn't say why though." I said furrowing my eyebrows shrugging.
"Imma come with you." She said looking in my eyes for approval.
"I thought you and Karli was gonna do something after school?" I asked looking at her confused.
"We were, but I gotta bad feeling about DayDay. Imma jus cancel with Karli, she won't care." She told me turning her attention back to her phone.
"Ok, I don't mind. But just know that we're going to Mcdonald's after." I told her making her laugh.
"Ight, it's a date then." she said shaking her head.
I laughed getting a call. I put one of my airpods in handing the other to Jordan. She put it in her ear and I answered.
"Hello?" I said into the phone.
"Kk guess what!" Moni said yelling a bit.
"Yo what got you yelling for?" I said making Jordan laugh a little.
"Damn chill, yeah that's cool. Ask her if you can ride home with her and Jordan finna ride with me so we can all just hang out. And text me what y'all want from Mcdonald's." I said with not a lot of emotion.
"Ok! I'll talk to you later, Bye I love you!" She said with her happy ass still excited asf.
"I love you," I said hanging up.
"I think Karli got a thing for Moni. She stay texting me about her." Jordan said showing me texts of Karli talking about Armoni.
"If you can't tell, Moni obviously gots a little thing for Karli too." I said laughing.
"Yeah I can tell." Jordan said laughing.

The teacher walked in right before the bell rang.
We weren't really doing nothing and I was kinda tired so I layed my head on Jordan's shoulder dozing off.

Jordan's pov

Kk had layed her head on my shoulder and I felt her hand go a little limp in mine. Soon I heard light snores from her. I smiled to myself laying my head on Kk's dozing off too.

I woke up to the bell ringing and Kk still asleep on my shoulder.
"Kk, Kk" I said softy trying to wake her up.
"Kayloniiiii" I said dragoon her name shaking her a little. She slowly opened her pretty eyes. Just then I noticed she had one blue eye and one green one. HOW MUCH BETTER CAN THIS GIRL GET?!?
"hmmm?" She said snuggling into me more. if i could, i'd most definitely let her stay like that for the rest of my life.
" You gotta get up, class is over." I said hugging her.
"no." she said sleepily making my laugh.
"yes, now come on." I said getting up. She just looked at me with a mad and tired expression on her face making me laugh.
"C'mon, let's go" I said grabbing her hand and leading her out the door. We got the same classes for the day, except last period. In all of our classes, Kk either ate, or slept in them. When i walked her to her last period she started whining because
"I have no friends and no pillow. What am I gonna do without youuu??" she said hugging my waist
" I mean, you can go in there to learn something." I said rubbing her back laughing a little.
"no." she said whining.
" Yes, now let me go. I got class too you know?" I told her pushing her back softly.
"nooooo" she said folding her arms at me.
" i'll buy you Mcdonald's." I said trying to bribe her to let me go. She smiled at me an raised her pinky up.
"Promise?" She asked raising one eyebrow.
"I promise." I said wrapping my pinky with hers.
"now can I go to class?" I asked looking down at her still holding onto me
"I guessss," she said dragging the s. I laughed at her and told her bye. she turned around to walk away and I gave her ass a little slap before running away. she turned around holding her butt looking like

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