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Kayloni pov

I woke up to kisses all over my face, making me groan but smile too.
"Good morning ma," Jordan said hovering over me.
"Morning" I replied, trying to pull the covers over my head so I can go back to sleep.
"Unt uh, it's time to get up." she told me pulling the covers all the way off my body. She picked me up and brought me to the kitchen, setting me down on the counter.
"Here," she said and handed me a plate with bacon, eggs, and sausage on it. Then she went in the fridge and brought me an apple juice and a bowl of cut up watermelon.
"When'd you make all this?" I asked
"When you were getting your beauty sleep." She replied before kissing my cheek and getting her a plate.
"Hurry up so we can bless the food and I can go down on this." I whined
"I'm coming, hold on." she told me , grabbing a fork and coming to stand beside me.
"ok now bow your head and i'll bless it." I told her, grabbing her hands and bowing my head.
"Go ahead ma," she told me, giving my hands a squeeze.
"Lord, I thank you for this food, I thank you for waking us up this morning, I thank you for letting the sun rise and shine over us. I pray that you let this food nourish our bodies and keep us full as we go on with our day. Lord I ask you to bless this food and the hands that prepared it, in Jesus name I pray, Amen." I prayed before looking up, just to see Jordans head still down and she was whispering something before she said amen and raised her head.
"I just prayed for you mama," She told me, before giving me a kiss.
"Thank you baby." I said when we pulled apart and put my hands on both sides of her face and connecting her four head with mine.
"I appreciate it." I said before pecking her on the lips and starting to eat.

([A/N] if your religion isn't christianity or you don't believe in God, then imagine something else. I'm a christian so I included that in the story, but I love everyone no matter what your religion is, because at the end of the day, we're all people with choices and you should be proud of the choices you make!)

After I finished my food, I washed my plate and bowl, then threw away my juice bottle. I went over to Jordan and helped her eat her food because food always tastes better when it's on someone else's plate. (no cap)
And then I washed her plate and threw away her juice bottle. I went up to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and fixed my lashes.

While I was flossing my teeth, I heard Jordan call out,
"Mama, where you at?!" and behind that I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
"i'm in the bathroom!" I called back out to her. About 2 seconds later, she walks into the bathroom and hugs me from behind, placing her face in my neck.
" I almost filed a missing person report because I couldn't find you." She mumbled into my neck, rubbing my stomach with her hands.
I found out that her love language is physical touch and affirmations. I know this because she's always touching me somehow and telling me how
pretty I am, or how sweet I am, or how lucky she is to know me, and just stuff like that. And I don't mind it. My love language is food, quality time, and acts of service.

I got done flossing and put my floss back into the drawer it belongs in and walked out my room to go get clothes to take a shower in. Jordan was still wrapped around me and was just leaving innocent kisses on my neck and shoulder. I turned around and wrapped my arms around her neck.
"You gonna let me go so I can get in the shower?" I asked smiling and looking into her eyes.
"Lemme get in with you." She said grinning at me.
"Ok, but no sneaky shit, ight?" I asked holding up my pinky, for her to wrap hers around.
"I promise mama," she said, wrapping her pinky around mine and giving me a kiss.
"Ok, go get clothes." I told her, and she ran into the room and came out literally 5 seconds later. I ran the shower water and she just sat on the counter, looking at me.
"You so beautiful mama, you know that?" She asked me, causing me to smile and blush. I covered my face with my hands, trying to hide my blush, until I felt her hands move mine, removing my hands from my face.
"Don't cover your face, I like looking at it." she told me, pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head.

We pulled apart and started getting undressed, before hopping into the shower. She got a loofah and put body wash on it and started washing my body and I did the same for her.
When we got out I put on a black sports bra and grey nike sweatpants, while Jordan put on a grey sports bra and black boxers. We went and layed down after putting on lotion and deodorant. I was laying down, watching the best movie in the world, (Love & Basketball) while Jordan sat behind me, scratching my back. We just layed in bed and watched movies all day. We were laying down and I was laying on my back while her head rested on my chest.
"Can I suck your titty?" She asked looking up at me completely serious.
"Not in a sexual way, but you know," She asked and her hand was already in my bra.
"I don't care, don't bite it though." I told her, putting my focus back on the movie. She pulled my bra up enough to where she could put it in her mouth like a baby. She kept tryna talk about the movie while having my titty in her mouth and that was uncomfortable.
"You can either talk, or you can suck (no homo) . But you can't do both." I told her, playing in her twists. She shut up real quick and soon fell asleep with my tit in her mouth. I fell asleep not too long after her too.


1109 words

ik it was short but i'm sick with the Flu atm but ye nd

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