Chapter 1 - Naruto Uzumaki

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October 10th also known as the kyuubi festival.

A day where the village celebrates the defeat of the kyuubi no kitsune 6 years ago.

The namikaze family were having a great time celebrating their childrens birthday while most of the villages clans were there.

Narumi Mema and Naruko Namikaze were all brats spoiled rotten since the day they were born.

Meanwhile a 6 year old naruto was upstairs just drawing.

Narutos Pov

I can hear my 3 siblings downstairs counting their presents.

HAH I GOT 45 PRESENTS AND YOU 2 ONLY GOT 44 naruto heard from a voice he knew all too well.

It was menma being just as spoiled as ever.

Naruto wished he could celebrate their birthday with them.

But sadly the young boy gave up hope for that happening years ago.

Currently naruto was just having a less than stellar time drawing in his room with the little materials he had.

This time he drew a picture of his siblings having a blast at their birthday.

Honestly he hated them all all 3 of them.

But naruto knew he had to if he wanted to lessen the beatings from his "kaa-san"

A knock was then heard on the door.

Naruto already knew who it was so he sighed and opened the door.

Hello kaa-chan

1st of all dont call me that demon.
2nd go give your siblings your present.

Yes Kushina-sama naruto said.

He hated it.

He hated everything he just said to the leafs red hot habanero.

Naruto then came downstairs and gave his siblings the drawing.

Honestly the drawing was of the highest quality.

Did his "siblings" care?

Hell no they didnt.

Naruto was used to it at this point.

His "nii-san" said the usual.

This is it brat?

Its my birthday and all you give me is a stupid drawing.

Menma said with disgust in his voice.

Naruto held back the thought of telling menma to go screw himself as well as he could.

He braced himself.


As he was hit dead in the face by the leafs red hot habanero with nearly enough force to knock his head off.

You stupid demon you should have got something better.

Im sorry kushina-sama.

Naruto said trying not to sound mad.

He then heard most of the other people there start laughing.

He then left to head to his room.

I hate this naruto mumbled to himself.

The next day.

Naruto woke up.

Ready for a "great" day.

Naruto just wanted to go to ichiraku.

Not because of the good food.

Though their food was definitely the best in the world.

It was because taeuchi and ayame ichiraku were the only people to treat naruto as a human.

He then saw a group of villagers looking at him with a devilish grin.

Oh crap he mumbled to himself.

As he started to run.

He then got cornered.

I swear even fate hates me. What did i ever do?

Hey demon, we couldnt find you yesterday so were gonna make todays beatdown even worse to make up for yesterday the villagers said with a devilish grin.

Naruto thought that its impossible that this beatdown would somehow be worse then the previous beatdowns.

10 minutes later

Naruto was writhing in pain.

Honestly he didnt believe it.

The villagers had somehow come up with an even worse way to beat him down then before.

He pleaded with them to stop but they never did.

So all the child could do was scream.

Not until he suddenly saw the villagers in front of him distort and be warped away.

Are you ok? A voice that rivaled menma in terms of loudness asked.

It hurts.

Please. Help.

Alright kid the masked man said as he placed his hands on the childs body to use his little knowledge of medical jutsu to heal him.

Thank you mister a quiet voice told him.

Your welcome kid. Whats your name by the way?

Naruto. Naruto uzumaki.

Uzumaki? The masked man asked.

Shouldnt your last name be namikaze?

My father doesnt let me use his last name. Because he said it would bring shame upon his familys name.

Aww thats sad.

Do you want me to train you?

Yes please mister. And by the way whats your name?

My name is tobi.

Ok thank you again tobi :)

Its no problem.

Where are we gonna train tomorrow mister tobi?

Just wait outside your house, ill pick you up a happy sounding tobi said.

Ok tobi-sensei.

This is going perfectly obito thought.

And thats the end of chapter 1 :)
What do ya think?
Anyways im gonna work on this story and my other story the blonde bombers at the same time.
You wouldnt mind checking out my other story would you? :)

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