Chapter 2 - Tobi-Sensei

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For the first time in years our blond protagonist naruto uzumaki woke up excited.

Today was the day tobi-sensei was going to train him.

He waited outside the namikaze household for awhile before tobi finally arrived.

Alright naruto today is our first day tobi said.

Yay naruto said excitedly.


What the heck was that menma said coming out of the house.

Whatever probably just my imagination.

Suddenly the 2 were in obitos own personal dimension.

Umm where are we tobi-sensei?

Naruto Welcome to the kamui dimension.

This is my personal dimension that i go to whenever i want to train.

Wow so cool tobi-sensei.

I know naruto said an excited tobi.

I am awesome arent i?
Tobi said

Yea you totally are sensei.

So whats gonna be the first jutsu we learn?

Well first you need to learn to control your chakra.

How do i do that sensei?

Im glad you asked said an enthusiastic tobi.

As he suddenly warped the 2 to a place very rarely visited by people.

The Forest Of Death.

Alright naruto, you already know about chakra right?

Umm yea sensei.


Naruto i want you to gather chakra into your feet and climb up that tree.

Now i know it might take awhile but you can always try agai-

Sensei is this how you do it said a confused naruto who was hanging upside down from a tree branch.


Good job naruto.

You did it on the first try.

Really sensei?

Yea naruto , you might even be a prodigy.

Wow naruto said in awe at his own accomplishments.

Alright naruto the next step is to walk on water, so follow me.

Hai sensei.

The 2 then walked to a nearby river.

Alright naruto.

This is just like the climbing the tree but you have to make sure you dont get taken away by the waves ok?

Alright sensei naruto said excitedly.

It took a few tries but eventually he was doing it on only the 9th try.

Wow naruto you really are a prodigy, even more than your siblings.

Thanks tobi-sensei, but i think its all because of your totally awesome training.

Aww im flattered said tobi.

Ok naruto our next step is learning the 3 basic jutsus.

The transformation jutsu,substition jutsu,and clone jutsu.

Hai tobi-sensei.

3 Hours Later

I finally did it tobi-sensei.

Thats great naruto.

Thanks sensei.

Alright naruto, our next step is to make shadow clones.

Whats that?

Basically were going to make your clones solid, and were also gonna make multiple.

Hai tobi-sensei.

4 Hours Later

Honestly at this point tobi was completely amazed at how prodigous naruto was.

But he didnt express it because the last thing he wanted was naruto going rotten like those siblings of his

The kid had already mastered the shadow clone jutsu.

Alright naruto.

Thats enough for today.

Aww but sensei i still wanna train some more today.

Naruto go back home ill pick you up again tomorrow ok?

You need rest after a long day of work.

Aww naruto said while pouting.

Alright then sensei he said with a bright smile.

The blonde boy then came home.

Feeling more happy than he had in years.

When he came home kushina as usual got mad and asked why naruto  was late for dinner.

When naruto said he got lost she just gave him the usual slapp in the face and said he wasnt gonna have dinner tonight.

Honestly naruto was used to it.

He didnt care because today he made his first real friend.

And to commemorate the days events he decided to make a drawing of him and his first real friend.


Naruto was then about to go to sleep feeling really hungry.

He then heard a psst.

Naruto immediately recognized the voice.

Tobi-sensei is that you?

Who else naruto?

what are you doing here sensei.

Oh just here to give my student a prize for doing so well.

Really? Naruto said while his eyes lit up in excitement.

He then gave him a bowl of ichiraku ramen.

I know its your favorite naruto.

Eat well.

Thank you so much sensei naruto said while eating his ramen.

Your welcome naruto tobi replied as he sunk back into the floor.

Tomorrows gonna be great naruto thought.

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