Chapter 12 - The Seeds To Satsukis Betrayal

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Translations :

Odama Rasengan : Big Ball Rasengan

Kuchiyose No Jutsu : Summoning Jutsu

You two will make great puppets sasori said with barely detectable glee.

Guys we need to go naruto said appearing in a shunshin with orochimaru on his shoulder.

HAH Tobi knew that dum dums plan would fail tobi said.

Shut up and get us out of here tobi said an annoyed deidara.

You guys go ahead ill get gaara well meet up later naruto said.

Alright BYEEE Tobi said while warping himself deidara and sasori away with his kamui.

Satsuki POV

DAMMIT I cant beat him.

How am i supposed to beat his sand.

M-MOTHER WANTS YOUR BLOOD Gaara sais insanely.

Damm wierdo satsuki thought as she dodged gaaras onslaught of sand based attacks.

I cant beat him on my own.

Just then sakura and team 11 arrived on the scene ready to take on gaara.


I can tell idiot... she thought.

Team 11 then rushed in and hit gaaras semi transformed form with a barrage of fists.

Gaara however was unfazed and hit back alot harder with a wave of sand.

Guys i think we should use it now menma said.

I agree narumi said.

And so team 11 brought their hands together and formed a rasengan but it wasnt a regular one it was an.


Gaara was sent flying backwards as he was hit by the odama rasengan.

MOTHER WANTS YOUR BLOOD!!! Gaara screamed at team 11.

We know creep naruko said.

This was the final push that gaara needed to fully transform into the one tailed demon, shukaku.

AHH Finally free at last the tailed beast said.

Now i can destroy eveything, starting with you 4 shukaku said menacingly.

Shukaku was about to fire a wind bullet at them until team 11 used fuinjutsu they learned from their mother kushina uzumaki to save everyone within the barrier.

The barrier however was draining for the 3 to use and before any could activate the 9 tails's chakra shukaku knocked them out with a hard stomp.

Were doomed satsuki said outloud.

Shukaku was about to crush her with his tail but at the last momemt she was saved from certain death by a man with a white mask and a bkack and red cloak.

Of course this, was naruto uzumaki.

W-what who are you? Satsuki asked.

The boy looked around her age she was confused as to how someone no more than 13 could be so strong.

Oh? Me nobody in particular naruto replied.

But i guess your saviour since i need to take a certain 1 tailed tanuki.

She couldnt believe it, this boy was planning on capturing shukaku.


And in a large puff of smoke a giant snake had appeared from thin air.

Alright aoda lets finish this quickly? Whaddya say?

Sounds like a plan if ive ever heard one the massive snake replied.

Aoda then rushed towards the 1 tails and got ready to hold it down while naruto did most of the damage.

As they got close enough naruto jumped off of aoda and aoda coiled himself around shukaku while naruto looked for gaara.

Seeing this shukaku tried to fire a bijuu bomb at the ground to blow everything in its radius but was interrupted by aoda who changed the trajectory of the bijuu bomb by forcing shukaku to aim upwards.

Naruto eventually found gaara and punched him in the face to wake the boy up.

Wait no, NOOO Shukaku said before fading back into gaara.

That was dissapointing wasnt it aoda?


Could you bring him undergriund all the way to the akatsukis base?

Of course.

Alright begin doing that naruto said as he jumped off the snakes head.

W-wait who are y-you sstsuki asked as naruto was about to leave.

I believe i already anwered your question.

Now if you dont have any more questions i will be taking my leave now.



C-could you train me?

Hmm? Sure meet me at the valley of the end in 1 week.

Dont be late.

H-Hai satsuki managed to say before falling into unconciousness.

Aww shes so cute when she asleep naruto silently said to himself.

4 Hours Later

So naruto how was retrieving gaara?

Simple enough.

And speaking of i think well be gaining a new member next week.

Really? Who is it?

Oh just a certain quote on quote last uchiha.

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