Chapter 9 - 2nd Rounds Begin

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Im gonna start putting memes at the top of chapters

Translations :

Shunshin : Body Flicker

Kage Bunshin No Jutsu : Shadow Clone Jutsu

Suiton : Suiryudan No Jutsu : Water Style : Water Dragon Jutsu

Katon : Gokakyu No Jutsu : Fire Style Fireball Jutsu

Fuuton : Shinkugyoku : Wind Style Vacuum Bullets

Ill skip over the remaining 1st rounds cuz they would be pretty dang boring.

Shikamaru VS Choji

Winner : Shikamaru

Sakura VS Gaara

What do you think bruh?

Obviously gaara wins.

So kazekage-dono which match are you intrested in? Asked the 4th hokage minato namikaze curiously.

Hmm probably that narutos match said the 4th kazekage rasa atcually orochimaru in disguise.

3rd Person POV

The crowd was excited as they could finally see the hokages son menma namikaze fight in the torunament.

The 1st round was:

Shikamaru VS Menma

Shikamaru quit because he was too lazy lol.

The crowd was a bit dissapointed that they couldnt see menma battle.

Satsuki VS Narumi

3rd Person POV

The 2 kunoichi entered the arena as the 2nd rounds were to begin.

The crowd went wild with excitement because they were gonna see the hokages daughter battle the last uchiha.

Give up now im definitely gonna win said narumi.

Neji said the same thing said a grinning satsuki.

The 2 ran at each other and engaged in taijutsu.

Its was obvious to everyone that sstsuki definitely had the edge in taijutsu so narumi stepped back and readied a jutsu.

Suiton : Suiryudan No Jutsu

The crowd was shocked to see the high level technique formed by a 12 year old.

Nevertheless satsuki fired back with her most used technique

Katon : Gokakyu No Jutsu

The 2 jutsu collided and formed a large ammount of steam in the arena.

During the steam both decided it was time to end the match.

So narumi created a shadow clonr to help her form a rasengan while satsuki started charging a certain technique that had the sound of a thousand birds

The mist cleared and the 2 kunoichi were seen with their newly charged techniques.



The 2 powerful techniques collided with each other with both users struggling heavily to win over the other.

Ultimately satsuki defeated the hokages daughter and won the match.

I told you i would win said satsuki.

Before falling unconcious from the use of chidori.

Gaara VS Naruto

Neither gennin said anything to each other.

Only giving each other a slight nod.

Gaara sent a bit of sand at naruto while he dodged the sand and ran up to gaara.

Gaara sent a large sand bullet at him and naruto countered with a jutsu of his own.

Fuuton : Shinkugyoku

The numerous air bullets dicipated gaaras sand and naruto punched gaara in the face causing a small crack in his sand armor.

Gaara quickly regenerated his armor and caught one of narutos arms planning to crush it.

But naruto was able to shunshin just in time to dodge it.

Naruto then used his signature.

Kage Bunshin No Jutsu

Suddenly 49 other narutos appeared and surrounded gaara.

All charged the same jutsu.

Katon : Gokakyu No Jutsu

Gaara then created his sand shield to protect him from the oncoming barrage of fireballs.

Once he heard it stop he opened the shield.

Suddenly naruto sprinted to him and barraged gaara with taijutsu.

Gaara then blocked the attacks with a barrier and shot a sand bullet at naruto which managed to make its mark.

Naruto however was able to lessen the impact of the sand bullet by blocking it with his arm.

Gaara though was able to grab naruto by his legs and slam him into the ground.

Suddenly the naruto gaara slammed into the ground burst into a cloud of smoke.

As he was confused the real naruto was able to get a clean hit on to gaaras face sending him back all the way to the other side of the arena.

Suddenly both heard a signal and feathers rained down from the sky.

Gaara then went to sleep with a grin and let shukaku take over.

In the chaos naruto was able to shunshin away.

Naruto POV

ts time, naruto said obito-sensei

HAI i said grabbing a mask that was similar to senseis but white instead of orange.

I then put on my cloak and we shunshined to the middle of the arena.

I then put on my cloak and we shunshined to the middle of the arena

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The Konoha Crush Had Begun

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