Chapter 11 - Akatsuki VS Jonin

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Translations :

Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu : Water Dragon Jutsu

Katon : Gokakyu No Jutsu : Fire Style : Fireball Jutsu

Omoto Renge : Front Lotus

Alright leaf jonins were gonna kick your butts said tobi.

Oh shut up said kakashi.

Are you even old enough to join the akatsuki kakashi said mocking him.

Isnt there an age requirement?

Believe it or not mister but tobi is atcually 27 and a half.

Are we atcually going to fight idiots? Said deidara.

Or are you all so weak you have to try and beat us with trash talk?

Guy jumped up and kicked him with his signature.

Dynamic Entry

I guess that means were starting then.

Kakashi rushed rowards deidara planning a quick kill with his signature.


It could have been a quick kill but tobi grabbed kakashi by the arm and slammed him towards the ground.

Your fight is with me mr copy ninja.

In that case ill finish you off quickly.

The 2 engaged in a taijutsu battle being nearly equal to each other until tobi gained the upper hand
due to his superior strength luckily before he was completely overpowered he backed out and readied a jutsu that he copied very recently.

Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu

But instead of the effect that kakashi excpected tobi phased right through the water dragon and readied his own jutsu.

Katon : Gokakyu No Jutsu

Unlike tobi kakashi didnt exactly share his ghost-like abilities so phasing wasnt exactly an option so very barely kakashi had to dodge tobis jutsu.

But barely being able to dodge left kakashi open and tobi landed a powerful blow to kakashis stomach.

You know copy ninja? I would have excpected you to be using your sharingan by now.

I guess so kakashi said pulling his headband up revealing his 3-tomoe sharingan.

Now we can really get this fight started.

Obito used his most powerful fire style jutsu while kakashi copied the jutsu.

Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku

Both jutsu clashed with obitos overpowering kakashis by far unfortanately kakashi again had to dodge obitos superior version of the jutsu.

Kakashi again had to dodge and obito got ready to again rush kakashi but surprising tobi another kakashi jumped out of the ground hitting him square on the jaw.

But tobi quickly recovered landing on the ground he used a wood style jutsu and multiple vines came out of the ground and wrapped around kakashi draining his already drained chakra leaving kakashi passed out on the ground.

Well that was kind of dissapointing.

I wonder how deidara-senpais doing against that wierd bowl haired guy.

DAMMIT STOP NOT EXPLODING. Deidara said in a rage.

Using slang like that is so very unyouthful.


Deidara said throwing tons of C-1 bombs at the leafs blue beast might guy.

Might guy jumped to deidaras level to punch deidara with his YOUTHFUL attacks.

Deidara was able to dodge might guy barely amd tried to use his C-3 to blow up might guy.

Guy though had needed to block deidaras C-3 using both arms which severely damaged the leafs blue beasts arms.

HAH Now my win is guaranteed.





Guy using his 1st gate was able to knock deidara off of his bird with the bird exploding in guys face.

Guy with the abilities of his 3 gates used the powerful technique associated with the 1st gate.


Guy said using the 1st gates associate jutsu.

With many of might guys kicks deidara was sent crashing to the ground.

After the assault from might guy with 3 gates opened almost left deidara unconcious on the ground.

Guy went to take deidara to turn in but deidara was saved by tobi knocking might guy out with a chop to the back of the head.

Your welcome deidara-senpai tobi said cheerfully.

Ughh why couldnt sasori-dono be the one to save me.

Sasori however was doing a bit better than deidara had been against might guy against his opponent lung cancer victi- i mean asuma sarutobi.

Asuma expertly dodged as sasoris iron sand puppet of the 3rd kazekage attacked along with a swarm of many of sasoris other puppets.

After the attack had subsided asuma rushed toward the akatsukis puppet master with his two wind chakra infused blades to try and slice him in half but sasori was 1 step ahead and defended himself using the 3rd kazekages iron sand as a protective shield similar to gaaras sand.

Asuma though was still almost able to pierce the iron sand from sasoris favorite puppet sasori though had other plans sending another swarm of puppets towards asuma.

Fortanately for asuma most of the puppets were very weak so he was able to cut most of sasoris puppets down to size with the exception of the 3rd kazekage puppet and sasori himselfs puppet armor hiruko.

Sasori howver had made a grave mistake by moving into a close-quarters match with the leaf jonin as he tried to stab asuma with hirukos tail and continued to send iron sand at him asuma however had blocked hirukos tail and almost decapitated sasori with his wind blades.

Sasori though was not going to make the same mistake twice using the 3rd kaxekage to block asumas blades with its own he moved backwards and prepared to launch many poison laced senbon at asuma.

Asuma seeing this attempted to get out of harms way but failed and had no choice but to block which left him exhausted and open for attack after barely blocking the swarm of senbon.

Sasori used this opportunity to finish the battle and knocked asuma out with a powerful attack to the lead jonins stomach leaving him unconcious on the ground.

HEY SASORI Said tobi.

What is it now tobi?

How did your fight go?

Uhh i won anything else?

Thats cool  you did really well said tobi sounding excited.

Especially since deidara-senpai almost lost his battle and tobi had to sav-

SHUT UP TOBI Deidara swid slapping tobi across the head.

Owwie deidara-senpai that really hurted tobi said tobi in a childish voice.


It really hurt tobi not hurted.

How do you guys think naruto is doing? Deidara said.

Hmm i dont know tobi is wondering if naruto was able to beat the green flash.

The yellow flash tobi not the green flash sasori said.

Dont be mean about it sasori tobi is still learning.

HMPH Deidara and sasori said in unison.

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