Chapter 15 - Uchiha Showdowm

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Damm its been awhile since a nrw chapter lol

Translations :

Oba-san : Auntie
Oji-san : Uncle
Raiton : Lighting Style

This chapter takes place a year before chapter 14

Kisame are you sure this is the correct location?

Positive itachi this is definitely the right place so why are we here?

Because one of us has a score to settle with itachi a voice said.


2 masked people leapt from behind a tree to reveal themselves.

One was a young girl in her early adolescence with black hair carrying a sword on her back that wore a black cloak and a white and purple mask.

The other had a white swirl mask and a black cloak.

These two were our protagonists

Naruto Uzumaki and Satsuki Uchiha

Itachi noticed the familiar face alongside his attacker and immediately started to analyze why he was here.

Satsuki had caught kisame in genjutsu immediately and had sent a massive fireball to itachis direction itachi of course countered with his own fireball jutsu as she jumped down the tree to face itachi.

Who are you itachi asked.

I am your reckoning itachi uchiha a deep voice that was definitely a female replied.

In that case. Bring it on younger sister.

Gladly she quickly replied.

The siblings engaged in a taijutsu battle before satsuki had tripped itachi and fired a powerful fireball at her downed brother itachi however jumped out of the way and prepared his fireball which satsuki had avoided.

I must admit you have grown younger sister.

You don't get to call yourself my brother not after what you did to our clan and our parents.

So be it itachi replied coldly.

Again both clashed in taijutsu but this time satsuki was gaining the upper hand and itachi had to start evading her punches.

Itachi of course had many more tricks up his sleeve like his skill in genjutsu which he used.

As soon as it launched satsuki stood still and itachi readied a kunai to "stab" her.

But right as he was going to "stab" her she grabbed his wrist and kneed him in the gut.

She wasnt caught by the genjutsu at all and had only baited itachi into coming close.

Itachi recovered quickly and attempted to punch satsuki in the gut but she dodged it and itachi instead hit her arm.

Itachi now free from satsukis grasp kicked her away and dissapeared in a murder of crows.

Satsuki got up from the tree she was knocked into and got back up to fight.

Come on , itachi dont tell me your running away now she sais mockingly.

Hardly. Itachi replied.

Suddenly the sky around satsuki turned a blood red and the once bright moon had become the image of a mangekyou sharingan as satsuki saw that she was tied to a wooden post.

You remember this jutsu dont you? Itachi asked coldly.

I could never forget this genjutsu satsuki emotionlessly replied.


W-where is everyone satsuki asked herself as she saw all the lights in the uchiha district were out.

She walked timidly through the streets until she saw something horrifying to her young mind.


There she saw her auntie and uncle lying dead on the ground.

W-what is happening she cried out.

I-i have to get home she said.

And with that she ran home as fast as her 6 year old legs could carry her.

She would never forget the sight that awaited her when she came home.

Both her parents dead on the floor with itachi standing over them.

N-nii-san WHAT HAPPENED!?!

She got no answer as itachi threw a kunai which caught her shirt and stuck her to the wall.

N-nii-san why are you doing this she asked in a horrified voice.

Foolish younger sister, it was to test the limits of my abilities.


She was cut off as she was put into tsukuyomi to watch her clans death.

Over, and over, and over again.

A few seconds passed in the real world as she fell to the ground unconcious to be haunted by her dreams.


Itachi held up his sword as he was going to begin the torture inside on tsukuyimi until...

The sky turned back to its normal color and the mangekyou pattern had been renoved from the moon.

What? Itachi asked.

You think i would come to fight you unprepared for that itachi?

You leave me with no choice younger sister-


that day 10 years ago left me broken now my only desire is to end you itachi and restore the uchiha clan.

The uchiha clan... ENDS WITH ME! Itachi says as he reveals his orange susanoo.

Fine it looks like, i too am out of tricks itachi. Satsuki said activating her own purple susanoo

The sword of the two susanoo clashed as neither susanoo wavered.

Satsuki eventually pushed itachis susanoo back and readied a jutsu she spent a long time to master.



Thunder built up in the sky as the clouds turned gray and a dragon was formed from the natural lightning as satsuki also added her own lightning chakra to the jutsu.


Tye massive dragon hit iachis susanoo as itachi couldnt react satsukis kirin hit straight in the susanoos ribcage.

Itachis susanoo was being pushed back but still held on to defend itachi.

Until satsuki charged one of her susanoos blades with lightning chakra and stabbed itachis susanoo through the chest finally injuring itachi inside.

Itachi fell to the ground no energy remaining to fight.

Quickly satsuki stabbed itachis chest with ehr sword which sealed itachi uchihas fate.

With one last cough itachi breathed his last and satsuki uchiha had won the battle.

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