Chapter 16: A Love Sick Kitty Cat

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Adrien landed on his balcony.  He swung the door open and landed in his room.  He laid the unconscious Marinette down slowly and softly on his bed.  He searched everywhere for a first aid kit.  He found one and immediately began to work on Marinette.

"Please be alright, My Lady." he begged, "I won't lose you like I lost my mother."


Marinette woke up with a groan and painful pounding in her head.  She then looked around.  She was home.  She tried to get up, but then she felt pain close to everywhere, forcing her to lay back down.  

She then realized that Adrien was next to her.  He was sitting out of her bed, his head leaning next to her however, using his hands as a cushion.  Marinette blushed for a moment.  Why was he here?  Then it came to her.  She remembered.  He saw her face as Ladybug.  Adrien began to wake up.  He saw that Marinette was awake.

"Marinette!" he cried.

He hugged Marinette delicately.  Marinette hugged him back.  She felt so terrible to just have him see her this way.

"I thought you weren't going to wake up." said Adrien.

"Well, I did." Marinette assured.

She then took a look at herself.  It seemed that her upper body was wrapped in bandages.  Her head also had bandages wrapped around her forehead.  She guessed Gold and Metal both did more damage to her than she thought.   Marinette then looked back at Adrien, the model could spot the tears in them.

"Why're you crying?" he asked.

" isn't how I wanted y-you to find out!" Marinette sobbed.

Adrien then hugged her, tightening it ever so softly.  He could also sense her fear.  He then remembered back when he visited Marinette's parents at the hospital.


"One question...Ladybug told me that you were her friend. Just how much do you know of her?"

"Oh, uh...I...I know her a little. Just that she goes to our school."

"Not to sound like an idiot, but...has she ever mentioned me?"

Marinette's heart raced. It had just been basically yesterday since she saw Adrien as Ladybug, the kiss. She then wondered, maybe this was one of her perhaps last chances to tell Adrien how she felt.

"Y-Yeah..." she finally replied.

"What did she say?" asked Adrien.

"Well, uh...she asked I"

Adrien wasn't surprised that it wasn't about him. He looked more like he was interested in what Marinette had to say.

"W-Well, I said, uh...'Ladybug...'" Marinette began, "...'The great thing about Adrien I look in his eyes...and he's looking back at mine...everything feels...not quite normal. Because I feel...stronger...and weaker at the same. I feel excited...and at the same time...terrified. The truth is, I don't know what I feel...except I know what kind of person I want to be. It's as if I've...reached the unreachable...and I wasn't ready for it.'"

Adrien looked very touched by Marinette's little speech. The model almost looked like he wanted to cry.

"Thank you, Marinette." he explained, "I really love it that there's another person who cares about me."

"We all do, Adrien." said Marinette, "We all do."


Adrien could now fully understand Marinette's speech.  He helps her with her emotions as Ladybug.  He motivates her somehow, but, it appears it has a double-edge effect.  

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