1. The beggining...

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Run. All he could think of was running. Running from the imminent danger that chased him and Johnny. Simon held, in his arms, the barely conscious body of Soap. His injuries were burning in pain. But he didn't care. He wanted to keep his mate alive.

"We're almost there, Johnny" Simon murmured, tightening his grip on the man he held. He heard the gunshots hit the trees around him. He was lucky the chasers' aim was terrible.

[1 week earlier]

Ghost walked back and forth in his room. He couldn't see why Price would send them on a suicidal mission. Going right into the trap? That wasn't smart at all, but all he could do was trust Price on this. Ghost, for a brief moment, feared his death and his companions'. He shook his head to push that feeling away. Simon 'Ghost' Riley, afraid? No, couldn't be. Shouldn't be.

"Yer alright, Lt?" A voice was heard with a knocking from the door. Ghost knew it was Soap standing outside, the Scottish accent gave it away. "Price said we're leaving in 10."

"'m good." He replied, gaze locked on the shut door. "Tell him I'll be there soon." Ghost continued his packing, which he had started earlier, being interrupted by the thoughts of the mission. The British man couldn't keep himself from occasionally looking at the door to see any signs of Soap still being there.

A silent creek was heard from the door and the masked man looked up at it. From a small gap of the open door, peeked a mohawk haired man with a smile on his face.

"Yer done packing?" The Scotsman asked, looking at the black sort of gym bag that Ghost had just zipped closed. Ghost nodded. "C'mon then!" Soap called, disappearing from the door gap. The Brit sighed and followed the younger man.

The attempts of Soap to chat with Ghost during the walk to the helicopter were, somehow, occasionally successful. A small joke or something stupid from the young Scott, made the older man scoff and tell him to shut up. Soap would laugh at him, saying that the emotion was there. It was indeed, but Ghost couldn't find a reason to show any signs of attachment or weakness to those around him, even though the younger man occasionally made a smile play on his lips under the balaclava. The pair soon reached the helicopter where Price and Gaz were waiting.

"Finally" Price sighed, entering the helo. Gaz followed him with a smile towards his teammates. Ghost looked at Soap and the young man shrugged. They both entered the helo and sat down. Nikolai was piloting the helicopter, so they knew it was a safe travel.

The Brit looked through the window as they were taking off. He leaned back on his seat and looked up, staring at the ceiling of the helo for a while. He zoned out as his thoughts brought him back to the meeting before the mission.

"Lads, we have a terrible issue to correct" Price said, looking around the table at his team. Ghost, Soap, Gaz and Nik were listening attentively to their Captain. Price put his hands on the table.
"Graves is alive-" he said. Soap looked at Price, shocked.

"Alive?! B-but I exploded his tank, Cap! He was in it- he- he had to be!" The Scotsman sounded concerned as he spoke. Ghost looked at him and found himself intensively gazing through the fear in Soap's eyes.

"Soap, sit down" Price ordered. Soap hadn't noticed he stood up when talking. He sat back down and nodded at Price.
"As I was going to say" the Captain restarted. "Graves is alive and still with the Shadow Company. He became inactive to convince us that he had died but Shadows have started to go outside on patrol again. Me and Laswell did some research and investigation on it, going even back to that place, trying to find a body or anything to confirm he was dead. But the tank that Sergeant MacTavish blew up actually had a Shadow inside, who was on a videocall with Graves."

Ghost glanced at the young Sergeant. Soap was looking at Price with a mixture guilt, concern and anger. The masked man wanted to comfort him, tell him they'd get through it together, just like they went through everything in Las Almas. He stopped himself from doing so. The Captain sighed and looked around the table, observing the silence that had settled upon his team.

"We all are leaving today on a mission to kill Graves for good" Price sighed. Ghost and Soap looked at each other.

"Price, that's a suicidal mission! We can't just-" Ghost started, being interrupted by the Captain. "We will come back alive and I will make sure of that! Don't get me started with it" Price stated, standing up. "Go get ready."

Price left the meeting room and slammed the door, frustrated.

"Ghost? Ey!" Soap called, snapping his fingers infront of the older man. Ghost blinked a few times and then looked at the young teammate. "Ye zoned out for a bit there. Yer okay?" the Scotsman asked.

"'m fine-" Ghost replied, letting out a loud sigh after. Soap patted Ghost's shoulder and smiled at him, friendly.

The Brit let a small smile appear on his face, even though it was covered by the balaclava. He liked to see that smile of Johnny's, which lit up his whole day. It was... beautiful. The masked man shook his head. No, no- he couldn't think like about his Sergeant. No-... He looked through the window to distract himself from those intrusive thoughts. He felt so guilty for having such thoughts about his teammate, it was just...- not acceptable. Even though they were true... No!- Ghost forced himself to lock those thoughts in the back of his head, to never be touched again. Never...?

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