4. Time to pay the Price

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No warnings (Hooray!)


Eventually, the group reached the gym. Soap and Ghost stayed back with Stain, as Gaz moved to where Nik and Price were asleep.

"Uh-... Hey, Captain?" He mumbled, crouching. He hesitantly tapped Price's leg, which made the Captain jolt awake. That same jolt, woke Nik up too.

Price looked up at Gaz and let out a sigh. "Yes?" He asked the Brit, glancing around to see what was going on. Nik seemed disoriented. The Russian pilot shook his head to focus and glanced at Gaz too.

"There might or might not be someone else here...?" The young Sergeant rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, being him the one who had to bear the news.

The Captain instantly stood up in a jump, the pilot following his example. "B-but she's not here to hurt us!" Gaz rushed to explain.

"She?" Nik and Price blurted out in unison. Sighing, Gaz glanced back at Ghost and Soap and nodded. The two men stepped aside.

"Howdy" Stain chuckled, stepping forward. Price instantly grabbed his gun, ready to fire, if needed. On the other side, Nik was more curious.

"Wait" the Russian one whispered to the Captain. Nikolai stepped forward to take a better look at the girl. She also seemed to be curious now.

"Cooper?" Nik suddenly smiles a bit, recognizing her. Stain stood still for a moment.

"Nikolai!" She chuckled. "Where have you been?" The two approached each other and shook their hands in a friendly greeting.

"You know her?" Almost everyone seemed shocked by this. Her purplish eyes moved to look around as she laughed. Gaz, on the other hand, seemed confused to why Nik had called her 'Cooper'.

The pilot glanced at Price. "She's an old friend, Cap" he explained with a small smile, as he placed a hand on Stain's shoulder "Cooper here was with me when we decided to rebel against the Soviets. Though it was dangerous, she was the one who made it fun and made sure we made it out alive. Right?" He smiles and glances at Stain.

"Da" she chuckled. "And you should know, I go by Stain now, Nik" she sighed with a smile. He raised his eyebrows.

"Cooper?" Gaz gained the courage to ask about the name Nikolai had mentioned. Everyone looked at him, and then at Stain again, with the same question in mind.

She sighed and looked away with a slight grunt. "Not really your business to ask" the woman stated. Price stepped towards her and looked her up and down.

Placing his hand on his hips, he said: "Actually, it is our business. If you want to work with us, we have to know who you are"

"Is that a condition for now or for late-?" She started, before Price cut her off.

"Right here, right now." The Captain's expression lets the girl know that he wasn't here to play.

Stain rolled her eyes. "Fine, but if I tell you the whole story, I have to be with y'all . Capiche?"

Price nodded and no one seemed to complain.
"Alright then..." she sighs.

"Time to pay the price"

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