Chapter 15 Old friend reunited part 2

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Julie: " I got you motherfucker, right on target." Julie said putting her gun away into its hostler, Julie looks at the corpses of the soldiers now dead, Julie: looks at a specific tree, Julie: " Come out I know you all are here."

With that Jake's family came out from behind the trees, Neteyam smiles upon seeing Julie. Julie smiles at him back Tuk came over to Julie, Julie got down to match tuk's height; Tuk hugged her around her neck.

Julie hugged her while giggling softly, She tenderly rubbed Tuk's back affectionately

Julie smiles at Jake, who slowly approaches her. Julie:" It's been a long time Jake, my old friend." Julie said still smiling at her old friend, Jake slowly revealed his yellow eyes to Julie's sapphire eyes.

Jake:" it's good to see you after so long, Julie I always knew that you were Alive." Jake said in a happy tone; Julie:" You have done well for yourself, my old friend." Julie said looking at each of the Sully children, The children smiles at Julie

Julie:" It's been a very long time hasn't it Julie said to him Jake smiles at her extended his hand out in a fist, Julie did the same two fist bumped one another.

Julie smiles at Jake, who slowly approaches her. Julie: " It's been a long time Jake, my old friend." Julie said still smiling at her old friend, Jake slowly revealed his yellow eyes to Julie's sapphire eyes.

Jake:" it's good to see you after so long, Julie I always knew that you were Alive." Jake said in a happy tone; Julie : " You have done well for yourself, my old friend." Julie said looking at each of the Sully children, The children smiles at Julie Tuk was also smiling at Julie.

Julie got closer to Jake still smiling at her, Julie: " So what's up are you too much of a tough guy, you are too much of a badass to give me a hug old man?" Julie taunted playfully to Jake.

Jake: " No come here, You damn brat, " Jake said hugging Julie, Julie hugs him back.

Jake: " I'll introduce you to my family, Jules." Jake said smiling at her, Julie: " There's no need for that, I know your family by heart you have a big good reputation you've made a hell of a name for yourself; Haven't you Toruk moruk." Julie said to him She winked at him,

Julie points to each of the siblings. Julie: " You are kiri, She walks to lo'ak who was in the middle. Julie: " You are Lo'ak," Lo'ak smiles at Julie. Julie walks in front of Neteyam,

Julie: " You are Neteyam, Julie walks in front of Tuk, Tuk Giggles as she approached her. Julie: " You are little Tuk aren't you little cutie." Julie said gently tapping at Tuk's nose causing her to giggle, Tuk hugged her causing Julie to chuckle softly.

Norm smiles upon seeing Julie, who returned the smile at Norm. Julie:" Hey there normy it's good to see you, I hope you enjoyed the little show I gave out when I killed all these RDA Soldiers." Julie said winking at Norm,

Norm:" I know that you can handle yourself, But I don't ever once doubt your incredible skills Julie; You are truly a great fighter." Norm said to her while smiling at her,

Julie smiles at Norm; Julie: " Well You should

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