Chapter 66 Lo'ak missing?!

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{{Next day at Julie's home}} Julie was taking care of her Ikrans Sanctuary, She had just gotten done feeding a Small group of young Ikrans,

Julie:" You all are growing up so fast, pretty soon you will all be able to fly alongside your parents and older Siblings." Julie said petting at Star the Ikran's head, This in turn caused Star to growl playfully, He attempted to nibble onto Julie's index finger; But Julie just playfully pulled it away from Star but Julie still giggles softly at Star's playfulness;

Julie gave Star a kiss on the forehead, before placing him down into the pen with the other younger Ikrans. Julie then walks over to the staircase that led up to the control room, She took off a key that was around her neck.

She put the key into a single keyhole, She turned it into the left side; She saw a green light lid. She pressed the button that's when A large hatch in the ceiling opened up wide,

That's when a large swarm of Ikrans came into the hatch; The Ikran flew to their own respective Pens being greeted by their babies. All the parents happily purred upon seeing their babies, Julie saw the mother Ikrans giving their babies freshly caught fishes.

Julie left the Ikran Sanctuary, She walked back to the upper ground floor. She was greeted the fresh air of pandora, She let out a very content sigh as the Wind kisses her face. She saw two Woodsprite floating down to her,

She smiled as She cupped her hands together to catch one of the Woodsprites; The Woodsprites wrapped it's tentacles around her wrist. She smiles at the Woodsprite that's when more Woodsprites Surrounded her all around,

The tentacles of the Woodsprites caresses her delicate skin. Causing Julie to laugh; that's when She felt eyes on her. She turned to see Neteyam who smiles at her lovingly, He Slowly approached her the Woodsprites slowly flew off of Julie's body.

Neteyam gently places his right hand onto Julie's right cheek, She placed her right hand onto his; Neteyam:" I see you Ma'Julie, He said in a lovingly tone the Smile on his lips never creased at all, in fact it looks to grow even wider.

Julie smiles at Neteyam, She wrapped her arms around Neteyam neck. She moved closer to him, Neteyam rested his hands onto Julie's back moving himself even closer to Julie's side; Their faces grew closer to each other.

" I see you Ma'Neteyam." Julie said hugging him close their foreheads resting against one another, The wind blowing through their hair; the wind mixing their hair together; " you know that I really missed you so much Ma'Julie." Neteyam said to her

Julie smiles at her, " I missed you too Ma'Neteyam I am very happy to see you too." Julie said to him smiling at Neteyam lovingly, Neteyam caresses her cheeks lovingly; mm

" Come with me Love, I Am not the only one who is missing you." Neteyam said caressing her cheek lovingly, Julie smiles at him sweetly

" I would love to come see your family and see just how much trouble you all can get yourself into, it's going to be a lot of fun to see just Whose asses I'll have to kick with you and Lo'ak." Julie said winking at Neteyam who chuckles at Julie's straightforwardness,

The two got onto Neteyam's Ikran. Julie got behind Neteyam she wrapped her arms around Neteyam's torso, pressing her body close against his out of instincts;

The two flew towards the Metikayina clan. Julie felt a long breeze that blew through her long crimson hair, Julie gently caressed the nearby cloud;

" Give me a break What do you mean Lo'ak is missing?!?!" Julie asked in an

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