Chapter Three

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Once the clouds had cleared up, everyone woke up to see the sun rising in the colors of gold and bright blue while the ocean was shimmering with flecks of bright gold. The two rescue bots let the two humans out.
But Cody noticed that Tempest was missing. "Um... Where's Tempest?"
"Right here." She had crouched down to the floor when she was asleep. Slowly, as if the walls were eating her alive, whites and grays crept over her scales. The shadows and crags underneath her appeared perfectly reproduced, as if they were seeing right through her. "Sometimes I do this whenever I fell asleep or for self-defense." They watched as Tempest's scales had returned to its true color. It was as if she was washing out the whites and grays from her scales as well as the shadows and crags.
"How did you do that?" Blurr asked her.
"It's something I picked up along the way," replied Tempest with a shrug.
"Woodrow!" Everyone jumped in place when they heard Chief Charles's voice through their ComLinks. "Have you found Cody?"
Woodrow placed his finger on his ComLink. "Yeah, we found him and the dragon. They're both alright."
Everyone can hear Chief Charles's sigh of relief. "Thank goodness."
"We need to go to the fire house." High Tide glanced up at the incoming clouds and back at the others. "And quickly. You lot take the long way around to the fire house. I'll stay here."
"Lets go then." At that, Blurr had transformed back into the car and let Cody come inside for the ride. Salvage had had transformed back into the recycling truck and let Woodrow come for the ride too. Quickshadow had transformed back to her vehicle mode while High Tide went back to his captain wheel and transformed back to his vehicle mood too.
Tempest crouched down to the floor and launched herself into the air, in which she caught herself with her wings and was flying upwards. Her wings caused some wind to blow around. Slowly, as if the sky was eating her alive, blues and whites crept over her scales. All of her scales had faded away. The sunlight, shadows, and clouds behind her appeared perfectly reproduced, as if they were seeing right through her.  Her unseen eyes seemed to have fixed on them calmly. "Lead the way mates."
Tempest secretly followed Blurr with Cody, Salvage with Woodrow, and Quickshadow overhead.
The wind was soft against her scales, a feeling that she'd grown to enjoy. It didn't matter what others thought, a dragon, they could laugh all they want, make fun of her for all she cared. But the fact stood strong; she enjoyed the sky. It had been there form birth, a natural sense of connection to the vast blue ocean that lay above her each day.
Tempest was joyfully aware of the wind all around her. She could takes the cloud spray and smell the raw, endless sky. She heard the rush of the air as it parted to make for her body.
She was soaring.
She pumped her wide wings up and down, enjoying the way she pushed the air around, currents tense and smooth as water, the tips of her wings brushing lightly against the sky. She stretched them out to their fullest span, so that she could see the sun glinting blue of the scales underneath her wings.
The dragon relished in the air beneath her wings and felt her face relax into something like contentment. Her chest filled with the crisp air of the clouds and she let herself go limp into a freefall, spinning languidly in the air before catching herself on an updraft and continuing on her way. It had been a long time since she had felt this level of playfulness and in her solitude Tempest allowed herself to indulge. She let herself corkscrewed into a flip and dive-bombed until she felt the wind roar in her ears before spreading her wings and gliding before doing the whole thing over again.
She felt at home in the skies, ducking and diving through the clouds. The warmth she felt in her chest as she flapped her wings, watching the land below, it was a sense that she enjoyed, a feeling that just gave her great joy. She felt free up there, alongside the birds and the other creatures that ruled the skies.
"Tempest!" Cody's voice could be heard from the wind. "You can come down now!"
The dragon relished in the air beneath her wings and felt her face relax into something like contentment. Her chest filled with the crisp air of the clouds and she let herself go limp into a freefall, spinning languidly in the air before catching herself on an updraft and continuing on her way. It had been a long time since she had felt this level of playfulness and in her solitude Tempest allowed herself to indulge. She let herself corkscrewed into a flip and dive-bombed until she felt the wind roar in her ears before spreading her wings and gliding before doing the whole thing over again.
But once she was done flying in the sky, Tempest flew down towards the fire house's landing pad. She gingerly looped to the ground of the landing pad. Tempest flinched as the landing pad lowered her into a giant garage like an un-door elevator. Tempest soon joined the others and exchanged a smile with them.
"Had fun Tempest?" Blurr asked the dragon after he let Cody out and turn himself into a rescue bot.
Tempest shrugged. "You can say that." She watched as Salvage let Woodrow out and turn himself back into his rescue bot form. Quickshadow turn herself back into her rescue bot form.
As they waited for the rest of the team, the two humans, the three rescue bots, and the dragon all rested at the downstairs room and started bonding with each other. But Tempest's ears perked up when she heard the elevator was being used and unfamiliar voices being spoken.
"Cody? Cody!" The mentioned boy spun around to see his family and eagerly reunited with them. He wrapped his arms around his dad and squeezed him tightly. He felt his dad's strong arms wrap around him. He shut his eyes and let his whole body relax into the embrace. He and his dad were immediately joined by Kade, Graham, and Dani while the four rescue bots were speaking to each other.
They were all asking questions to Cody when Heatwave took notice of Tempest and jumped in front of the humans defensively. "What is she doing here?"
Cody stepped back towards Tempest and gently stroked her blue scales, making her smile. "This is Tempest." He soon gestured towards the other members of his family. "Tempest, meet my dad (Chief Charles nodded to her), my brothers, Kade and Graham (Kade smirked and Graham smiled at her), and my sister, Dani (Dani smiled at her)." Cody smiled at the four rescue bots behind him and his family.
"I'm Boulder," the green rescue bot said.
"I'm Blades," said the orange and white bot.
"Chase," the blue and white bot said.
"And I am Heatwave," said the red bot.
"Nice to meet you all." She nodded to them. "I'm sorry for the incident. I wasn't expecting to find anyone in my cave... and riding me without my knowledge." She glanced at Cody, looking sheepish from her earlier situation. "Sorry again Cody."
"It's okay." Cody smiled at Tempest warmly. "It was just an accident."
"Huh, if you say so," said Heatwave dryly.
Tempest stood in front of the rescue team with Blurr, Salvage, Quickshadow, and Servo by her side. Tempest knew of the dangers of Earth. But she knew what she was here to do, and that was to protect her friends, no matter what. She'd known it from hatching, even she hadn't understood it. She didn't have to worry about finding her monstrous dragon side or being something she wasn't. She would have to be enough for the protection of Earth just the way she was.

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