Chapter Four

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It was early in the evening, but the stars started to sparkle brightly in the night sky. Despite the darkness of the night sky, they were so bright and clear like distant diamonds sparkling in the night and the sky is like deep sapphire blue velvet that sparkled overhead. As the clouds cleared, a silver outline of the moon had also appeared in the night sky.
A picture of the dragon constellation (Draco) has been taken by an advanced telescope. Stepping back from the telescope was Cody as he checked out the picture of the dragon constellation and watching him was Tempest, who was watching him alone.
Cody glanced at Tempest, giving her a bright smile. "Thanks for coming with Tempest."
Tempest smiled at him. "Sure thing Cody. I've always be fascinated by these stars." She has been training with the rescue team for the last two months and her injury had recovered. Everyone who lives on Griffin Rock is sworn to secrecy about Tempest. She became a recruit of the rescue bots team and still learning. But Tempest realized that the rescue bots cared for Cody greatly as well as his family and she's accepted by them as a new member of the family (despite her incident). But at the end of the day, she likes to be with Cody and spend time with him.
"Hey, what's that?" Cody's voice snapped Tempest out of her thoughts.
"What's what?" Tempest followed his gaze to a fiery glowing shape in the sky. It was bigger than the other stars, although not quite as big or round as the moon. She couldn't remember ever noticing it before.
They climbed higher and higher, looking for a clear view of the sky, and finally stopped on a ledge not far from the peak. Cody seemed almost entranced by the strange new thing in the sky, but Tempest pulled Cody back from the ledge.
"Thanks Tempest," Cody said to her.
She nodded to him. "Sure thing."
As they continued watching the asteroid, Cody used his telescope to take a picture of it. Tempest stood next to Cody as they watched it as the asteroid crashed into a nearby island. Tempest partially covered Cody and his telescope with her left wing, but she let him watch it. The asteroid soon landed on Crow Island, leaving smoke in its wake.
"Well, I know what we're going to do tomorrow," Cody remarked.
"Agreed." Tempest nodded understandingly. "But on the bright side, nobody lives there."

By the next day, the rescue team was sailing across the sea towards Crow Island (the same island from "The Lost Bell"). They splashed through the shallow waters as they approached the beach of the island. The bots stood with their respective humans partners, though Tempest stood next to Cody's side.
Chief Charles stepped up and turned to look at everyone. "Listen up team, we don't know where that asteroid had landed. So, we have to split up to take recon of the island. But be careful. We don't know what it's made of."
Sounds of agreement could be heard and each of them had went towards different directions. But Cody lagged behind with Tempest when Chief Charles gently took his wrist. "Be careful son."
Cody smiled at him. "I will Dad."
He glanced at Tempest, who was watching them curiously and gently petted her scales. "Look after him."
The blue in her eyes seemed to grow softer, like that bright haze of blue just above the horizon as the sun continued to rise. She bowed her head to him, showing her respect towards him. "I will." She smiled at Cody as they both walked away into the woods.
Everyone split up as they searched the island for the asteroid. They climbed rickety fallen trees, jumped some ledges, and walked along the narrow hills. The minutes passed quickly as they navigated the many obstacles and continued searching for the grounded asteroid.
But, back with Cody and Tempest, they were working together. And true to her word, Tempest kept her guard up and protected Cody from any possible danger. The dragon simply relaxes into the feeling of soft companionship. It has been a long long time since she has had anyone simply be in her company. It is... nice. 
They worked their way cautiously eastward, in the direction of the nearby mountains. Small birds chorused from the trees, occasionally pausing as they saw Cody and Tempest approach, and then starting again after a moment, as if they were nothing to worry about. Dragonflies and butterflies flitted around the duo. In the mild morning breeze, Tempest could smell a startling scent of smoke and burnt trees.
Cody and Tempest stepped out into the bright sunlight and stopped, their eyes momentarily full of light.
There was a darkening hole blasted in the forest.
Where they stood, at the edge of it, the forest was trying to rise again. Ashes drifted like dead leaves over Tempest's claws and Cody's boots. Though, floating through the air looked like green smoke with a rather strong scent that Tempest hates.
"Eww!" Tempest shook her head, trying to shake the scent from her snout. "That's disgusting! It smells like garlic mixed in with rotten fish!" Her voice sounded exaggerated and muffled as she covered her snout with her wing, clearly disgusted.
"Look!" Cody pointed to something in the clearing, clearly can't smell the green mist.
Standing in front of them was a massive, rocky asteroid. The asteroid seemed to be glowing with the smelly green mist. But something tells Cody that there's more to this asteroid than this mist. Tempest narrowed her eyes thoughtfully at the asteroid when she saw pieces of metal poking through the rock. She stepped in front of Cody protectively as she gazed at it.
"I think this asteroid had crashed into a spaceship," Tempest said observantly.
"Now that you mentioned it." Cody stepped forward to have a better look at it. "It looks like the metal came from a spaceship."
Tempest hummed thoughtfully, she glanced between Cody and the asteroid. Tempest fixed her gaze on Cody. "Lets fly above to have a better view."
"Lets do it." Tempest lowered herself onto the ground and let Cody mount her. There was a dip between her spine and her wings that was just the right size for a human to kneel in, with his arms around Tempest's neck.
Tempest spread her wings and took to the air, hoping for a better look. The burnt area stretched in jagged slashes through the trees and ended at the rocky foothills. From above, she could see that the hole in the forest was many wingspans across and black as a stormy night sky.  It looked like a dark gap in a piece of a necklace where a gemstone had been violently gouged out.
Tempest circled overhead. Everything inside the hole looked twisted and blasted into dark ashes, but as Tempest studied the wreckage, she was curious at the sight of the green dust surrounding the asteroid. But it's not just an asteroid, it seems to be a unique spaceship.
"It looks a spaceship," observed Cody as he gazed at it.
"Indeed." Tempest nodded her agreement with Cody's observation. She narrowed her eyes thoughtfully as she circled the wreckage for the fourth time when she spotted a hole in the wreckage.
Cody gazed at the asteroid from Tempest when he noticed that the asteroid looked like the green mist seemed to be coming from the hole. "Tempest! There's a hole in the asteroid. Maybe we can see what's inside?"
Tempest hummed thoughtfully at that. She had sworn an oath to protect Cody from his dad, but she needs to see who is inside and what type of person they're inside. "Hold on tight Cody and stay on my back till we learn more about it."
"Okay." Cody soon placed a finger on his ComLink. "Dad, we've found it. But we think it had crashed into a spaceship."
"Good job you two," Chief Charles spoke through the ComLink. "You both stay where you are. We'll come to join you."
"NO!" Cody and everyone else flinched back Tempest's horrified roar. She circled overhead above the space rock, sounding agitated.
"Tempest." Cody placed another hand on her neck, sounding concerned. "What's wrong?"
"The mist." Tempest's voice sounded strong, but filled with experienced worried. "If the bots come here, they'll be paralyzed by it and their Energon will be drained by it."
"How do you know that?" asked Graham through the ComLink, stunned and curious.
"I've seen it happen before," Tempest admitted. "But I didn't know the reaction of it when it came to Earth." Tempest shook her head. "And I don't want anyone to take any chances of it." She narrowed her eyes, her eyes seemed to be glowing in the light. "The only beings who are immune to the mist are humans and dragons."
They both heard a sigh from Chief Charles. "Okay you two. Just look after each other."
"We will Chief," said Tempest solemnly.
"We'll be careful Dad," Cody said calmly before he gotten off his ComLink and glanced down at Tempest. "Ready Tempest?"
Tempest spread her wings and glared back at the space rock. Her eyes glowed and she let out a proud roar. Electricity crackled off of her scales, filling the sky with bright flashes of lightning. Tempest dove towards the hole and she folded her wings tightly to her body as she snaked herself through the hole. Her shoulders followed, then her wings, scraping lightly against the hole. A moment later, Cody and Tempest felt the air suddenly yawn wide in front of the duo and the mist roamed around them. Tempest and Cody were inside of a spaceship. The lights seemed to have shut down after the collision crash landing. The walls were all cracked and debris had fallen all over the place. It seems darker than Tempest's scales. Tempest (with Cody) can see that they were both standing on a upstairs deck indoors and was standing gracefully on it.
"Stay on my back Cody," Tempest told him.
Her eyes glowed and she let out a proud roar. Electricity crackled off of her scales, filling the room with bright flashes of lightning. Tempest carefully fluttered down from the upstairs deck and landed onto the floor cautiously.
Tempest was anticipating every twist and turn of the secret passage. Cody couldn't believe how adept Tempest was at navigating the dark passageways — Cody had never even seen these secretive hallways before. The secretive hallways were cold and crypt-like. Loose stones and a strange dim lighting from glowing blue crystals made the winding paths even more chilling.
She narrowed her eyes warily when she saw a green glow coming from the end of the hallway. As she stepped into the room, she could see a motionlessly in front of the chest was a Cybertronian rescue bot who is bright yellow highlighted in black with bright blue eyes.
Tempest doesn't recognize the rescue bot and a little curious about him while Cody recognized the rescue bot with confused worry and amazed concern. "Bumblebee!" Tempest lowered herself close to the ground and watched as Cody dismounted her to check on Bumblebee.
"C-Cody?" Bumblebee looked up to see Cody as the boy approached him, his voice sounded hoarse. "You m-must get out of here. I-It's too dangerous."
"It's okay," Cody gently told Bumblebee. "Me and Tempest aren't affected by it." Cody saw a chest that seems to be eerily glowing with green crystals inside, as did Tempest. "Tempest, can you close it?"
Tempest nodded understandingly. "Sure thing." She pulled the chest lid down, but she noticed that the chest lid's lock has been jammed and fallen off from the chest lid. "Ugh, just our luck. Cody, can you tie the lock?"
He nodded and patted Bumblebee's hand before he joined Tempest and the chest. "Sure thing." He started tying up a really strong knot where the lock was and managed to keep the chest lid closed with Tempest's aid. "Thanks Tempest."
Tempest smiled and released her hold on the chest too. "Sure thing." She glanced between Bumblebee and the chest before she made up her mind. "Lets get Bumblebee out of here, I'll come back for the chest later." She clicked a button, which caused a protection bubble over the chest, before she walked away from it and let Cody mount her.
"Bee, try to lean against Tempest here." The yellow bot nodded to Cody's words as he struggled to stand up. Tempest stood next to him patiently as he slowly stood up next her and let him lean against her. She walked extra slowly as Bumblebee limped next to her. They stopped in front of the hole that she and Cody both went through. She glanced at her companions uncertainly before strengthened her resolve. "Brace yourselves you two."
Then Tempest leaned forward, opened her mouth, and hissed, letting heated electricity build up in the back of her throat. It hot and fierce, like she'd swallowed an electric storm, and she almost never used it for long. Aiming carefully, she breathed a massive jet of bright blue flame onto the hole. The hole was started to burn away from the heat and slowly started to become bigger.
Once the hole was big enough, Tempest led Bumblebee and Cody out of the crashed spaceship. With a limp, Tempest led her friends back to the boat at the beach. She lowered herself to let Cody dismount her on the boat and helped Bumblebee to board the boat. "You two stay here and tell the Chief where I am."
"Okay Tempest," said Cody. "Be careful."
Tempest nodded understandingly. She spread her wings and took to the air. She went back inside of the spaceship and quickly came outside from the ship with the chest beginning held by her front talons. Tempest decided to hold on to it in case there might be an accident... and it's not a good idea to the draining crystals be near the bots.
The wind was soft against her scales, a feeling that she'd grown to enjoy. It didn't matter what others thought, a dragon, they could laugh all they want, make fun of her for all she cared. But the fact stood strong; she enjoyed the sky. It had been there form birth, a natural sense of connection to the vast blue ocean that lay above her each day.
The dragon was joyfully aware of the wind all around her. She could takes the cloud spray and smell the raw, endless sky. She heard the rush of the air as it parted to make for her body.
She was soaring.
She pumped her wide wings up and down, enjoying the way she pushed the air around, currents tense and smooth as water, the tips of her wings brushing lightly against the sky. She stretched them out to their fullest span, so that she could see the sun glinting blue of the scales underneath her wings.
She felt at home in the skies, ducking and diving through the clouds. The warmth she felt in her chest as she flapped her wings, watching the sea and land below, it was a sense that she enjoyed, a feeling that just gave her great joy. She felt free up there, alongside the birds and the other creatures that ruled the skies.
"Tempest!" Chief Charles's voice could be heard from the wind. "You can come down now!"
But once she was done flying in the sky, Tempest flew down towards the fire house's landing pad. She gingerly looped to the ground of the landing pad with Blades (who has Dani and in helicopter mode). Tempest watched as the landing pad lowered them into a giant garage like an un-door elevator. Tempest soon joined the others and exchanged a smile with them.
She placed the chest in front of Chief Charles and gave it to him. "Thanks warning us Tempest. We'll take this to Doc Greene."
"Sure thing," said Tempest, her eyes full of concern. "Just be careful with it. It's still dangerous for the bots."

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