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The Dragon Queen's dragon prisoners were kept high in the sky.
Tempest's prison cell was at the top of a towering spire of rock. A narrow stone platform gave her just enough room to walk in a circle and lie down. There was no walls. There was no roof. There was only the open sky and the fierce wind blowing around her eyes.
She boldly looked over the ledge to see her rock-tower prison was one of about a hundred spires, spread out in a huge circle. Nearly every one had a dragon trapped at the top, like her. They all had thin metal clamps on the outer edge of their wings. In the center of the circle was a bowl of rock, like an empty lake, with sand at the bottom and sheer walls. Above the walls were rows of benches, balconies, and caves for spectators to look down into the arena.
The wires stretched from her out to the necks and legs of other prisoners, who all had then as well. One went to her left, to one leg of a silver Ice Dragon on the next column, who was asleep with his tail on his noise. One wire was attached to the dragon on her right, a strong dark blue Storm Dragon and Fire Dragon hybrid was gazing up at the sky with the name Sol. He radiated an intense energy; even Tempest caught herself wanting to follow him wherever he went next. The last three wires snaked out across the circle. She couldn't tell where those went; they disappeared into a tangled web above the bowl, connecting all the trapped dragons.
So even if the Dragon Queen's captives could fly away, they'd have to all lift off at once... and then all one hundred prisoners would be stuck with each other. They wouldn't get very far that way. Tempest mentally snorted at the mere thought of it. Their real queen was killed by the fake dragon queen, and she had imprisoned many dragons for the opposing against her. She could see several blue and green dragons who must be Water Dragons, a few brown dragons who must be Swamp Dragons, pale gold or white who must be Desert Dragons, a couple blue dragons who must be Storm Dragons too, white and pale blue who must be the Ice Dragons, a few black dragons who must be the Night Dragons, and a couple red and orange dragons who must be the Fire Dragons.
Tempest frowned as she watched as the sun became just a golden sliver against the mountains, and the moon was only starting to climb up the sky, so she didn't have much light. She heard a bit of fidgeting from her hybrid neighbor, but she ignored him. Tempest glanced around to see most of the prisoners were curled up to sleep for the night. It was only sunset, but there was not much else to do up on the rock columns.
But Tempest suddenly heard something from Sol and glanced at him. She saw that he was rubbing a pair of wires across each other, an eerie note echoed across the arena, like the lone cry of a bird or the hum of a harp string.
Tempest watched as he tried sliding the wire farther away from him, The sounds were different — higher, lower — but still with that eerie, melancholy quality to them.
It was fully dark now, with only a distant glimmer of moonlight creeping up the mountains. She couldn't see the prisoners across the arena from her at all, but she hoped her neighbor knows what he's doing.
"United we stand, now and forever."
Tempest glanced at him when she heard him singing. What was he trying to do?
Despite what he's doing, she decided to sing along.
"In truth, divided we fall."
Tempest leaned forward. Was that another voice?
"Hand upon hand, brother to sister."
She swiveled her head to the left. That was definitely a voice — a second voice.
"No one shall be greater than all."
These captured dragons are also singing too.
Now there were at least nine voices, all as soft and haunting as the notes from the wires. They slowly faded out.
"It's been ten years we celebrate."
Tempest and the other captured dragons turned to look at Sol who had started it the song and bring forth new hope.
"All that made our kingdom great.
Liberty and justice for all."
He stood with a majestic stance on his column, his amber eyes glowing in the silvery moonlight.
Each of us will now divide.
In equal shares our countryside.
Promising equality for all who reside."
Tempest decided to sing along with the others after Sol's part.
"United we stand, now and forever.
In truth, divided we fall.
Hand upon hand, brother to sister.
No one shall be greater than all."
Tempest and the other dragons sang together as one.
A Desert Dragon stood up proudly.
A Water Dragon stood up calmly. 
A Swamp Dragon stood up with a smile.
"Shall be greater than all."
Some of the dragons continued singing just as well as the others continued.
A Storm Dragon stood up with a grin.
A Night Dragon stood up with a peaceful smile.
An Ice Dragon stood up with fierce honor.
"No one greater than all."
Some of the dragons continued singing just as well as the others continued.
A Fire Dragon stood up with a smile.
A strong Desert Dragon stood up calmly.
Tempest stood up, exchanging a smile with Sol.
"Shall be greater than..."
He set his wires together and began playing again. This time one voice after another had joined in. As the arena began to fill with the moonlight, Tempest saw the prisoner on her left lift his silvery head towards the starry night sky, singing.
Sol picked up the pace a little the fourth time around, although the notes still had that eerie, plaintive sound. The singing filled everyone with a wild, hopeful feeling. Sol was pretty sure he could even hear Tempest's spirited voice as she sang.
This song meant something, even to dragons hardened on the battlefield and in the arena. They believed in the prophecy and the hope of stopping the war. For the first time, Tempest's dreams of doing something legendary and helpful seemed like they belonged to this world instead of her imagination.
They were on their sixth time singing through the song, all of them singing wholeheartedly, when a blast of fire shot through the arena door and the Dragon Queen stormed onto the sand with two guards behind her.
"Stop that infernal noise right now!" The Dragon Queen roared.
The Dragon Queen was enormous, even from Tempest's vantage point, up on her column. There was something about the way the Dragon Queen stood as she held her wings and radiated menace that made her seem quite possibly the biggest dragon in the entire world.
She could see the Dragon Queen's muscles rippling in her back like wind over a flaming desert. Her poisonous tail was coiled up behind her like a snake. Her cold back eyes were like a pair of obsidians, glittering with danger and malevolence.
Instead of feeling scared, Tempest felt fierce anger going through her as she glared at the Dragon Queen. She glared down at the Dragon Queen challengingly. They locked eyes. It suddenly seemed to Tempest that she and the Dragon Queen had been sizing each other up for others — it was about time to break the standoff between the opposing sides.
But just before anyone could do anything, the sounds of battle have been heard from all over place. A strong bugle could be heard in the night sky, followed by the sounds of heavy wingbeats overhead and blasts of fire had set the place ablaze.
Tempest watched as the bindings on her wings has been touched by the fiery balls of light. They broke apart instantly, and her wings stretched free for the first time she has been captured. The fireballs had also burnt off the bindings that tied her down to the column. She barely felt the heat of the fire.
As she stood up proudly, her eyes glowed and she let out a proud roar. Electricity crackled off of her scales, filling the sky with bright flashes of lightning. When she launched herself to the sky, a massive thunderstorm came up behind her. Torrents of rain poured down from the stormy skies. Dark storm clouds swirled in the sky, flashing with lightning and rumbling with powerful thunder. It was early in the evening, the moon was peaking out of the departing dark clouds. As the lightning flashed through the thunderclouds, each lightning strike had freed the trapped bindings of the captured dragons.
Sol appeared to be glowing in the half moonlight and half lightning light. He looked almost godly. What ever was causing him pain before, he had clearly beaten it. "Pronghorn. Fathom. Umber. Peregrine. Fearless. Whiteout. Carnelian. Onyx. Tempest. You nine are coming with me." Sol's voice is strong as he stood up with a royal stance and glanced at his second-in-command who was flying overhead with the recently freed dragons. "Gill. Take everyone else out of here and head towards the hideout."
The dark blue Water Dragon with calm green eyes nodded. He let out a strong roar to summon all of the dragons. He soon led everyone from the castle in one direction. But flying in the cover of night was Sol and his companions flying towards a nearby hiding place.
Sol soon arrived to a partly lit cave that has some unlit torches hanging from the cave walls. There was many carvings and paintings on the cave walls from the past. There's also a river nearby that probably leads to an outside waterfall. He was immediately joined by Tempest, Pronghorn, Fathom, Umber, Peregrine, Fearless, Whiteout, Carnelian, and Onyx.
The nine dragons surrounded Sol as he stood proudly on the boulder he was sitting on top of. "My friends. We must head out to warn other beings of the danger of the Decepticons. They are using their technology and power to destroy what we know. Due to that, we must warn the Autobots of the dangers they are in and help protect the natives of their worlds." One by one, everyone bowed their heads to their commander. But Tempest was a little hesitant when she bowed her head to Sol. The soldiers kept their heads bowed down to him as he gave each of them a choker necklace with a glowing blue gem, clearly Energon. Sol's eyes softened as he gazed at her. "Tempest, you are going to Earth and find the Audiobots there. Are you going to do it?" Tempest's mind was blank as she held Sol's gaze. Her talons clinched on the ground, her expression unreadable. Slowly, her gaze flicked to the others that have been self-chosen for the secret mission.
Tempest's heart raced as it dawned on her that each and every one of them knew that her skill matches theirs. She hated the ongoing violence between different natives. She want to stop war between worlds as much as anyone wants to. And the message is the key to stopping all of that. 
"I'll go." Tempest was surprised to hear that her voice sounded strong and calm as a warrior. "For my heart goes out to both of our kingdoms." Everyone smiled at her proudly, she bowed her head and let Sol slipped her respective necklace around her neck.
Tempest looked up from her stance and turned to look at her respective portal. That's when she spotted it, a green disk with rotating circles floating in the air of the silver frame.
Then she saw an island with a giant griffin on top of the mountain. Tempest exhaled and headed straight toward the green light. She took a running start and jumped in.

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