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[ sexual content¹ ]

WHEN THE GIRL WAS TOLD, that she'd be playing a different game with her bully, she wasn't expecting to be thrown onto the man's bed at all. Of course there were a bunch of thoughts running through her mind, and she didn't know what exactly to say to the boy that hovered over her with his soft breaths hitting against her face, only making her even more flustered since she was being left speechless by his actions. He had already taken his shirt off, and the only thing left on him was his briefs.

"This games gonna be played a little differently, okay Y/N...?" There was a soft look in his blue eyes, but of course that still didn't drown out the evil smirk that laid against his soft lips that began to ache for hers.

The H/C haired teen was already hyperventilating because she'd never done anything like this, and she didn't think she'd ever do it, especially not with Phoenix of all people either, but for some reason she secretly wanted it even though she was having a very hard time showing it to the dark haired boy, "I- I.. don't.. uhh.."

"Come on... You can use your words..." Phoenix pushed a few fingers down to the dark circle around Y/Ns eyes before he faintly brushed them against bruise, watching a frown coat over her lips as his smile only grew even more, "You had a lot of mouth before..."

Y/N shivered underneath his stare before she snapped her own E/C eyes away, landing them right on the ceiling while she started to twitch under her bully, "Uhmmm.. I don't.. know what you want me to say..."

"You don't need to say anything, actually... But that's only because you'll be too busy crying out my name..." after those words, Y/N watched the dark haired teen lean himself back before he shot his hand out to hers, pulling it up close to his face with the same wicked look in his eyes, "Do you want it Y/N...?"

"I don't.. k-know..." her voice was a faint whisper as she gripped the sheets underneath her body, his body heat bouncing off of his body and right onto hers, causing her to have her own heavy breaths coming from her mouth.

"Think about it... You wouldn't get beaten by me, you can get fucked whenever you want, and..." he let her fingers drag down the slight abs with the bulge in his underwear growing even bigger, "You'll be crawling back to me for more... And.. I'll even let you have it whenever you want.."

The woman couldn't help but bite down on her bottom lip at the seductive tone that laced through Phoenixes voice, it turned her on so much, and she started to feel so guilty and angry with herself because of that, but still she told herself it was a normal reaction, "Huh...? W-Whenever...?"

"Yeah... I like a little risk too, Y/N..." his hand dragged down against her cheek while he tilted his head to the side once again, his eyes flickering inbetween both her glistening E/C eyes and her lips.

Once the female noticed the amount of eye contact the boy was making, she bit down on her lip even harder, her head turning to the side while her eyes began to wander all around so she wouldn't have to look back at the raven haired man above her, "I.. uhhh..."

"Tell me what you want me to do..." he wasted no time in grazing the tips of his fingers down against her neck, resulting in her chin to tilt up while her eyes shot open.

Her hands gripping even tighter at the sheets, that's when she clenched her jaw and finally looked back up at the male that fought the urge to do whatever he wanted to her right then and there, "I can't, I don't know... what I want-"

"Do you wanna get fucked by me Y/N...?" Phoenix was tired of the nervous wreck that laid underneath him. He wanted her so bad, and he could sense the fact that she wanted him too even though she wasn't as transparent about it as him.

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