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At 3 am Nico woke up in Will's arms. He looked at Will peacefully sleeping. He gently kissed his chest. "Hey Will," he whispered and gently shook him. "Will, we've got to get back to the infirmary."

"Mmm hm," Will intoned with his eyes still closed, then pulled Nico closer and started kissing him. "Nico, I'm sorry," he breathed heavily. "I just can't get enough of you."

Nico figured a few more minutes wouldn't hurt. He met Will's kisses with more of his own.

"I was having this dream we were on vacation. In a ski chalet. Warming up in front of the fire. I was singing to you. You hated it, but I think you secretly loved it."

"Mmm hm," now it was Nico's turn to intone.

"Okay, you're right, we should get moving."

The two begrudgingly pulled themselves out of bed and got ready to leave.

They quietly crept through the silent camp to the infirmary. The screen door creaked upon entering, but luckily everyone was fast asleep. They slid into the on-call bed, and Will spooned Nico. Nico felt safe and grasped Will's hands and kissed his fingers.

"Will, how long have you liked me?," he whispered.

"I'm not sure, really," Will replied in a whisper. "At first I was just attracted to you, but then seeing what you went through, the person you are, it made me fall for you. And I'm not kidding. I will take on anyone who tries to get between us. You are mine now DiAngelo."

The last line he whispered directly into Nico's ear, sending shivers through Nico's whole body. Exhausted, the two then fell promptly back asleep.

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