Bathing in Chaos pt. 2

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Aether slowly opened his eyes; he couldn't believe what he had just done. He looked to his left and saw Diluc lying there with his eyes closed, before looking to his right and seeing Kaeya still barely awake.

The salacious knight smirked at him before wrapping his arms around the blonde traveler as they lay next to each other on the futon.

"My, my, I didn't know you had it in you, traveler." Kaeya spoke tenderly into his ear. Aether's face flushed, and he felt shivers up his spine from his breath against his skin. He couldn't believe he just had a three-way with Kaeya and Diluc.

"You seem so calm about this, Kaeya." Aether spoke quietly to keep from waking Diluc. "Have you done this before?" He turned his head to look at the knight, who was spooning him from behind.

Kaeya chuckled softly, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on Aether's bare arm. "Oh, traveler, you have no idea. Let's just say I've had my fair share of adventurous encounters." He paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But none quite as memorable as this."

The outlander looked into his blue eye as he turned to lay on his back and asked, "Can I ask something personal?" Kaeya's lips curled into a playful smile. "Of course, traveler. Feel free to ask me anything. I'm an open book." He propped himself up on his elbow, giving Aether his full attention.

"Do you really dislike Diluc?" The traveler asked curiously.

Kaeya's smile faded slightly, his fingers resting on Aether's arm. "Dislike is a strong word," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

"Diluc and I have...a complicated history, let's just say. We may not see eye to eye on certain matters, but that doesn't mean there isn't a deep bond between us."

He sighed quietly as he kissed the traveler's forehead before continuing. "You don't need to worry about us; you should get some rest and enjoy our little vacation."

Aether looked at Kaeya, concern evident in his eyes. "But what if things get worse between you and Diluc? I don't want to see either of you hurt." Kaeya's gaze softened as he reassured them, "We'll figure things out, just like we always have. Trust me, everything will be alright."

Before Aether went to sleep, he snuck out of their room to clean up. He went to one of the hot springs and washed up before getting into the warm water of the springs.

As Aether closed his eyes and relaxed in the soothing warmth, thoughts of Kaeya and Diluc's strained relationship lingered in their minds.

They hoped that the peaceful ambiance of the hot springs would provide them with clarity and a renewed sense of hope for a resolution between the two friends.

He heard the sound of someone getting into the hot spring and expected it to be Diluc or Kaeya coming to join him after resting, but he was surprised to see another familiar face emerge from the steam. It was Childe.

Aether couldn't believe that of all the people that could be here, it had to be a Fatui Harbinger—not only that, but one just as flirtatious as Kaeya.

Tartaglia smirked as he saw his comrade also relaxing in the hot spring. "If it isn't my favorite Traveler," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "What brings you to this secluded paradise?" He asked cheekily.

"I'm here with two friends." He looked at the orange haired Snezhnayan as they sat across from each other.

"Is that right?" He asked playfully. "They must be very close friends considering those hickeys on your neck and shoulders." Tartaglia chuckled, his playful demeanor not faltering.

"It looks like someone had a wild night," he teased, raising an eyebrow suggestively. "Care to share the juicy details?"

The traveler's face turned bright red as he sank into the water, hoping to hide his embarrassment. He cleared his throat nervously, avoiding eye contact with Tartaglia.

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