A Day In The Life Of Tighnari

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This one has a lot of flashbacks. Flashbacks will be separated by page breaks and italics.

Aether sat down at the table in Tighnari's small dining room, smiling happily as he took out some paper. Recently, the traveler had been interviewing his friends to learn about their day-to-day lives and what they did when they weren't adventuring.

Not only was it a good way for him to learn more about his friends, but it also allowed him to gain a deeper understanding of the different cultures and customs in the places he visited.

Aether believed that by immersing himself in the lives of others, he could become a more well-rounded adventurer and forge stronger bonds with his companions.

He finally made his way back to Sumeru and told Tighnari about his little study, the people he had spoken to, and the interesting insights he had gained. The fennec fox listened intently, his curiosity piqued by his findings.

The forest watcher would normally be thrilled to share every facet of his life with his friend; the only problem was that recently, Cyno and Tighnari had begun dating in secret.

Now that Cyno had moved in, they changed the layout of Tighnari's home so it was a bit bigger; it had a kitchen/dining room now and a sizeable living room, and the bedroom had its own room now.

After making some zaytun-peach tea in the kitchen, Tighnari sat down before handing Aether his cup and asking, "You said you've interviewed all of your friends? Does that mean you interviewed Kaveh and Alhaitham?"

The traveler took a sip of the sweet, warm tea, savoring its delicate flavor. He nodded with a look of exasperation on his face and replied, "Yes. I knew they argued a lot, but I didn't expect to be caught in the middle of another argument as I was interviewing Alhaitham."

Tighnari raised an eyebrow. "What were they arguing about this time?" He asked, not even a little bit surprised.

Aether let out a sigh and explained, "Something about the placement of furniture and how Kaveh locks himself out of their home—the topic kept changing throughout their dispute."

"They could argue about the color of the sky or the direction of the wind and still find a way to make it a heated argument. It's exhausting to witness." The traveler sighed, disappointed he had to cut his interview with Alhaitham short.

Tighnari sipped his tea and said, "Those two are about as harmonious as a cat and a dog. I don't think I've ever seen them agree on anything. It's like they thrive on conflict. Yet, somehow, they still manage to make their relationship work."

Aether nodded before directing his focus back to Tighnari. "Enough about them, though; what is your day-to-day life like, Tighnari?" He asked happily as he prepared to start writing.

The forest watcher hesitated as he thought about what he had done this morning, his face heating up a little as he vividly remembered.


Soft moaning could be heard coming from their bedroom as the soft light of dawn filtered through the canopy of the Avidya forest and the window in their room.

Tighnari breathily moaned as he reached down between his legs, gripping Cyno by his beautiful white hair and arching his back as he felt the Matra's soft tongue working wonders on his sensitive skin.

Cyno, with his skilled hands, explored every inch of Tighnari's body, eliciting pleasurable shivers and gasps from him.

He kissed his abdomen before spreading the fox's legs apart and burying his tongue inside him as he gripped his thighs.

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