3: Opinions On Friends 🤩

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Hello people!! This is EJ imaooooo

I'm here to give my opinion on my friends and some experiences

So, let's talk about the girlie Fatima 🌼
She's an awesome friend to me amd you may have seen her ranting amd commenting on my trash fanfic
She's a peculiar type! She's lazy, pretty selfish (Bcoz of her, now I care about myself), hilarious, talkative, lazy, and lazy and uh cool. Plus she shines like a diamond. And it hurts my damn eye (I'M NOT BEING RACIST FOCK OFF).
We have some similar interests but we share a good interest in FNaF. YEAH WE BOTH LOVE ROXYYYYYYYY!!!!!
Fatima, go watch SB ruin, it's actually so cool and Cassie is so amazing but she died in the end (Idrk if she did coz Roxy called her name after the credits of the game)

Yeah, nowwww....

She's a great friend! I miss her-

2. My ame-san, Dania

We're not siblings biologically but I consider her like my elder sister. She's  pretty, strong, independent, cool, creative and friendly. She knows kung-fu and threatens to drop kick me if I annoy her 😢
She always is a good teacher and a therapist. She has experienced some bad friend shit before because when I experienced it for the first time, she calmed me down.. I appreciate her, a true sister ❤️
She's also kinda studious and understands quickly unlike my dumb self

She's studying with me for now and I'll make our friendship and sisterhood better! 😊

3. MERIN (MissFlora)
You might have seen her comments here too! She's a good friend. She's studious, good, kind, caring and funny. She's also so cuteee! 😊
I'm not gay bro don't mistake me..
She's pretty much of uh, naive.. 😭
But it's fine, its better if she didn't know the world's true colours for a little.

Not much to say, a nice friend and all

I won't give my other friends here


These are the friend types I know for now and my opinion!!!!!!!!!!

1. The annoying friend - uh... its fine if they annoy a little but if it goes overboard, i might end up killing them

2. THE ULTRA STUPID FRIEND - Ok, no... i might go insane.

3. The gamer - makes me feel jealous

4. A bad friend - I feel annoyed, down, bored, sad and unsafe with them. I know they will humiliate me and stuff.

5. Creative friend - we all need these friends! i have 3 friends who are so creative!

6. BFF - Yeah, if you consider your friend as this, they likely make you feel happy and good around them! (sometimes you might be forced too but don't let them/that thought take you over!)

7. YOUR HOMIEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I have one homie, she is Dania. I AM SOOOOO GANGSTA WITH HER

8. Your frnd you take as your sibling - Yeah, I have one too! She's Dania! Well, they make you feel good and annoyed (coz they annoy you)

9. A friend who friend zoned you.. - BRO WHAT YOU ARE NOT JOKING???

10. Your local therapist - Uh, Dania is one for me. And yeahhhh we need this too!!!

11. Your bully friend - This can be classified into joking bully friend and real bully friend.

a. Joking bully friend: They just do it for fun but it might hurt you sometimes...

b. REAL ONE...: OH, DEAR HELL NAH.................. 

and there are a lot and lot friend types! :)

but if you are in a bad friendship... ask your parents for help and your good friends for support! Don't let them overtake you, your fears, your problems, behaviour and character. Don't let them put you down and trap you! I am starting to go through one and my best option is to stay quiet and curse at {friend's pronoun} in my mind. I won't bad-talk behind them, you shouldn't increase problems and blame false things on them, Be honest! Be strong and you should be a better person than 'em!

OK SISTERS (pretty sure girls read and vomit reading my books)

we're done broskis 

fuck you if you want to attack me for anything

and for my friends:

''You are my strange addiction'' - To Fatima (it's platonic friendship bro!!!)

i like talking to you 


Merin, you're cool - For Merin


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