𝟏. 𝐌𝐢𝐧 𝐘/𝐍

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The bond that was built on trust and love ,

Became the bond that couldn't be loved. 

How they became strangers within a night ,

And how their bond formed a fight. 


"Lee Mean ho !!" The girl screamed and giggled with her merry voice while chasing a boy, maybe a few years elder than her. "It's Lee Min Ho you dumbhead. L E E M I N H O." The boy yelled back adorably, spelling his name wide in alphabets while running away from her. 

"Kids have your lunch first !" An aged voice called them. "Coming grandma. Let's go Lee- Oh wait. Why is oppa standing there at the top ?" 


! BOOM !

The alarm clock made a screeching sound, waking me up who was tangled in my bedsheets. Sweat dripping off my forehead as I jerked up my body with wide eyes. Rubbing my eyes I pushed my duvet aside and proceeded to freshen up and get ready for my usual day. 

Coming out from my closet I fixed myself before answering the knock on my door. 

"Good morning ma'am !" A young lady, greeted me with a small smile on her face. 

"Morning unnie." I replied, reciprocating the same smile. 

"Be a bit enthusiast Y/N." Yeji unnie spoke with a strict but demanding tone. She has been my family friend and my twisted sister since the day I opened my eyes in this cruel world. Not everyone knows me as much as she does. It was her decision to leave her family business to her younger brother and join me as my secretary. My support system and my only friend.

"Unnie...Come on tell me my schedule now." I replied in a monotone. 

"Give some respect girl. I'm 12 months elder than you huh." While stating her age she plopped on my bed, her favourite spot 

"1 year to be precise. Now tell me how many shitty people do I need to deal with, today." I asked while fixing my wrist watch and wearing my heels. Me being the CEO of Min Group was a real headache. Something I never desired to be, was now something my life was all about.

"Your not-so-close cousin sister, the CEO of Lauren Sons and a family dinner at 8." She dictated my schedule from the tablet which was stuck on her hand like a glue, always.

"Mhm. Why the CEO ?" 

"Guess you already forgot. Their company is going to collaborate with your jewel sector. And-and- and before you speak about me handling that part, let me make it clear that your grandfather has specified your presence in that meeting." Her words made me confused. 

"A meeting where my presence is necessary ? Fine. Let's leave and have our breakfast in the nearby café."


Entering the area I told unnie to reserve a seat while I make our order. We both had our masks on, dispatch is a real secret agent. 

"One cheese and chocolate croissant and one hot chocolate and cappuccino."  

"Please give us 5 minutes. Thank you." The cashier thanked me before I moved towards the table where Yeji unnie was sitting and scrolling her phone.

As soon as I sat down, a group of well built men, with guns and riffles in their hands crashed in the cafeteria.

"HANDS UP EVERYONE !" One of them yelled out loud. 

"WHERE IS MIN Y/N !?!" Hearing my name I chocked on air. Damn it ! Either they were from the rival group or- No he can't do something like that. 

"Y-Y/N get up. Run towards the back gate of the café. Our guards will handle them. GO FAST !" Yeji unnie pushed me from my chair. I knew she was going to risk her life again and try to distract those armed men, but not this time. Grabbing her wrist I tip-toed towards the gate, but guess what, luck was not with us like always. 

"HEY YOU ! CATH THEM !" A riffled man asked the other. 

"RUN !" Me and unnie ran as fast as we could, while my guards present at the back gate took care of those bulky men. We continued running till we realised that no one was behind us anymore. 

"Now what ?" Yeji unnie asked while panting and holding her chest. 

"Let me-" My sentence came ceased, when a black matte coloured Porsche pulled in front of us. The driver's window rolled down revealing a masked man wearing glasses.

"Your father sent me here. Now hop in before they arrive." Trusting someone at this point wasn't easy, but having no other choice me and unnie sat inside. For safety I had my gun with me, anything goes wrong and this man will die. 

He started his engine and picked up a fast pace, his veiny and tattooed hands were somewhat familiar. 
My thoughts were interrupted when he took off his mask and his face came into display. 

"M-MIN HO ?!"-

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