𝟐𝟐. 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰

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My hands encircled around her wrist. Pulling her towards my frame, I engulfed her petite figure which was shaking, in my arms. My head dropped to her shoulder, while a few tears escaped her eyes dropping on my hands resting on her waist.

"Just once. Just once listen to me."

"Did you ? Did you once give me a chance to explain myself before leaving me all alone in that condition? Didn't you leave me at my worst ?" She whispered and pulled her body out of my hold the next instant.

"I- I was not in a condition. We were kids-"

"Teenagers to be specific. Were you the only one who suffered the loss of their sibling ? Wasn't I facing the same as well ? What made you think it wouldn't have hurted me ?" She finished my unfinished sentence. This time she faced me and I saw more tears making their way down her red cheeks. Her chest was heaving loudly as she struggled to breathe. Before I could comfort her she signed me to stop with her palm. I couldn't make myself move from my spot anymore. It felt as if the ground had my legs glued to it.

"Good bye Lee Know." Her hands finally found the doorknob, twisting it, she left the room at last.

She was leaving me and I could do nothing about it. Nothing. My trance was broken when I heard a car moving, glancing out of the window, I looked at the car carrying Y/N and her luggage. Not only did she move out of our house but also crushed all my hopes for a happy married life. A life which would be incomplete without her presence. My tears made their way and once they started, they never stopped. I didn't dare to stop them anymore. My eyes began hurting after sometime, my head was getting hammered with indescribable ache, more than that my heart was bleeding due to those invisible yet known injuries. While I was drowned in misery, a phone call darted my attention towards itself. Not having enough strength to lift my weight, I crawled towards my phone kept on the bed.

It was Hyunjin.

"Hyung ! So how's the plan going ? Did you reveal your real intentions of marrying her ? What did she say ? Did she cry or curse at-

"SHUT UP ! JUST FUCKING SHUT UP HYUNJIN ! What revenge huh ? A revenge which would lead to nothing but a lonely loveless life ? A revenge which would snatch my family away from me ? A revenge which would give me nothing but misery ?

Those who go away never come back. Then why should I fight for someone who won't ever get to know what sacrifices I made to get him justice ? Why should I fight this worthless war and bring my life to the dead end from where there's no turning back ?" I cut the call and bursted out with silent screams and loud tears. No one was there to listen to my screams or wipe my tears away this time.


A day passed and nothing changed except my tears which had dried up by now. Something struck my mind and I rushed towards the washroom and then our walk-in closet before getting dressed up completely. I couldn't sit here with my hands tied, I needed to bring her back to me. My wife. My Y/N.

There is no Lee Min-Ho without his Min Y/N.

"Christian. Track my car. Right the 7944 one. Tell me its exact location and keep me updated with its every movement. I'll share you a mobile number, make sure to keep its track as well." Hanging the call I moved down to our dining room before picking up a piece of sandwich. I was aware of how weak I was after a whole night of crying session, and with no food, I won't be able to be strong enough to endure everything waiting for me. Good or bad. While I was busy checking the updates Christian kept sending me, the chair beside me got occupied. Looking up I found Hyunjin with his most concerned expression ever.

"You fell for her, didn't you ?" The only question he needed to clear all his doubts. I nodded without looking at him and focussing on what I was doing.

"I'm sorry." Was the only response I received.

"Why ?"

"For exaggerating about her. Without even knowing about her. I added oil to the already burning heart of yours and everything went wrong." His eyes glistened, they were moist, though no tears dropped out, I knew he was hurting.

"Your condition yesterday was enough to let me realise my mistakes. I'll help you hyung. I surely will. I want to find her back and make you alive once again. I can't see you walking dead." I pulled him into a hug as he let out the tears he was holding. So what if we were not blood related ? Our bond was stronger than any other real siblings. If I was in pain he felt it and so did I.

"I'll get my team ready, hyung. Tell me what my role is." Hyunjin's voice dripped with potential.

"Check every possible hotel and international flight details. My Y/N is sharp enough and has already changed her phone number. The care she took has returned to our mansion. However the driver informed that she had stopped at a bus stand and sent him away. I knew this. She would leave no stone unturned to hide herself. So check each and every public place in Paris. Clubs, hotels, restaurants, bus stands, airports and what not. Make sure nothing gets avoided or missed." 

"Let's get your noona back Hyunjin. Let's get her back." I whispered before moving out. 

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