𝟐𝟑. 𝐌𝐢𝐧 𝐘/𝐍

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My hands were itching to buy a new phone, since I threw away the earlier one in River Seine. Currently I am residing at my mom's cottage in the outskirts of Paris. My mother had always longed for these serene environment spaces. Recently I discovered this place while going through some property related documents before arriving in Paris. My hands were clutching my Dior golden chained purse as I walked inside the cottage with memories flooding through me as those family portraits hanging on the walls of the hall came in my view. The cottage was so well maintained I almost believed someone was actually staying here in our absence. Dad did a good job.

I was standing before every family portrait inhaling the nostalgic feeling which filled the air. My hands traced those faces, which I don't see anymore. Some faces are totally new to me. These portraits don't only include our generation, but also my grandparents' when they were young and even before that. Coming to the end of the small portraits in each corner of the giant hall, furnished with wooden floor, golden and black couches, a grand piano and of course several artefacts amounting up to more than ten million, I stopped right in front of a huge painting or portrait which was covered with a red silk cloth. Tossing my bag aside, I pulled the piece of cloth down, revealing the portrait which stood unique to all those in the hall. It was a painting. A. Freaking. Painting that included only me, my sister, mom and dad. Tears began brimming in the corners of my eyes, as I blinked them away only for a few of them to fall down on the dark wooden floor. A sob escaped my mouth and I slid down sitting on the edge of the stairs with my head on the handles. It was a painting of the picture we had captured on the same day, the day when I lost everything. The day when I found myself in a pool of blood with two bodies lying lifelessly in front of me. I shut my eyes as those memories flashed before me like a damn movie.


21st June 2009,
Min Mansion, Seoul.

Min and Lee's family were all set for a picnic in the Min mansion. After all, the eldest daughter and son of the Min(s) and the Lee(s) were going to tie a knot in the coming week after nearly three years of successful relationship. All the family members were brimming with joy and enthusiasm and so were the workers. The mansion was adorned with lights, flowers, glitter and what not. Everything was perfect and pinpoint. The giggles of the women of the house were filling the air while Y/N and Min-ho were on a chase.

"Lee Mean ho !!" The girl screamed and giggled with her merry voice while chasing a boy, maybe a few years older than her.

"It's Lee Min Ho you dumbhead. L E E M I N H O." The boy yelled back adorably, spelling his name wide in alphabets while running away from her. She giggled and continued running before bumping into her dad who held his daughter securely in his arms and picked him up while Min-ho was hugged by his father.

"Got these little devils !" They spoke in unison and laughed.

"Kids have your lunch first !" An aged voice called them.

"Granny is calling. Let's go."

"Don't forget to call those lovebirds, they might be in Sana's room." Y/N's mother giggled while teasing her eldest daughter and her to be son -in-law.

"Coming grandma. Let's go Lee- Oh wait. Why is oppa standing there at the top ?" Little Y/n pointed towards the cliff of the terrace.

"WOO-SEOK HYUNG !" Little Min-ho yelled, grabbing all the attention.

"SANA UNNIE ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE ?" Little Y/N screamed again with her innocent eyes staring at her elder sister's figure which emerged from behind Woo-seok's figure.

Little Y/N before anyone could notice, ran inside the mansion in curiosity to check what her sister was doing up there with her lover. Reaching the terrace she saw both of them holding hands and a bundle of pages lying on the floor.

"Unnie what happened ?" Her innocent eyes stared at the couple before her.

"Y/niee come here." Sana climbed down and hugged her sister as a few tears escaped her eyes dropping to her shoulders.

"Yess unnie ! but why are you crying ?" She questioned with a pout.

"Little pie I ain't crying. Just remember I'll always love you yeah ? Forgive unnie for not fulfilling her promise of walking you down the aisle when you'll be getting married. Forgive unnie for not being with you when you get your first pay cheque. Forgive unnie for not being a good elder sister to you, love. But remember, no matter what, unnie would be watching you from the moon and would be there with you whenever needed." She sobbed making the little girl's lips tremble who was on a verge to cry seeing her sister becoming emotional.

"Where are you going, unnie ?" She asked again.

"To bring you the moon." Woo-seok answered this time. He kissed the little girl's forehead before whispering.

"Never trust your grandparents, little donut. Never do." He sighed and hugged her.

"W-why ?"

"They killed us, love. They forced us to take this step." And before she could reply, Sana picked her up and left her behind the gate of the terrace.

"Go down. We are coming." She whispered kissed Little Y/n's forehead who nodded in excitement before running down.

"They are coming, they said." She informed her parents who held her close to their chest.



The bodies fell down from the edge with their hands intertwined with each other. They fell down.

"UNNIE !" Little Y/N ran and kept her unnie's head on her lap while whispering.

"Get up unnie. You don't get to leave me !"

Sirens, blood, bodies, cries, shouts and amidst all the chaos the little souls clutching each other as if their life depends on each other.

After a few days.

"He died because of your sister Y/N. I will never forgive you." Min-ho jerked his body away from hers.

"W-what are you saying Min-ho ?" The little girl stuttered with her tear stricken face.

"My brother was not a coward. He would never have attempted suicide. He might have been influenced by your bloody sister !"

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOU MIND LEE ?" Y/N screamed with agony in her voice. Before they could continue their fathers pulled them into a hug before letting out cries of despair.

"Your mothers." Min-ho's father began.

"WHAT ? WHAT ABOUT THEM DAD ?" Lee yelled in frustration.

"They met with an accident on their way to the graveyard. It was severe and they couldn't-

"DON'T ! Don't complete it uncle. Please, I know you guys are joking. Where are they ? Are they recording us ? I know it's a prank to pull us out of the dilemma." Y/N ran all around the corners of the mansion in a hope she would find her mom and aunt hiding somewhere. But all she could get was emptiness.

She lost everything that day and so did Min-ho. But what they destroyed was the trust in each other which could've survived.


A longggg update yes ! 
Ok so now this is a new announcement. My new book 'Alleys of Love' is soon coming out on Scrollstack as well as Wattpad. Make sure to check it out ;) 


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