Chapter 1

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I release all of my stories on my Patreon page (BacktoBabyhood) and have currently over 300 posts there including this story up which is up to Chapter 8 currently. I would be very grateful for any support as it enables me to spend more time writing and keep me motivated to keep going! Thank you :)

As Jamie walked through the doors of the Little Ducklings Daycare Center, he couldn't help but feel self-conscious. At eighteen years old, he was easily the oldest child there by at least ten years. He looked down at his Tykables onesie, which was complete with handy crotch snaps for quick diaper changes, and signed. He couldn't believe that at his age, he was still wearing diapers.

"Hey Jamie, what's up?" asked one of the nursery assistants, Rachel, as she walked up to him with a stack of coloring books in her arms. "You look a little sad today."

Jamie sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Sometimes I feel like a complete idiot wearing diapers and looking like a baby," he grumbled. "I sometimes wish that I could go back to being a normal eighteen year old again."

Rachel chuckled sympathetically. "Aww that's sweet, I know it must be a bit embarrassing to be in diapers sometimes but we all know you like it really," she said. "Think of it this way - at least you can just have fun and don't have to worry about having accidents any more?"

"Uh, I guess that's true," Jamie replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"I think you look quite cute, and far better than many of the eighteen year old boys I know. I've always wanted to ask you something.... how did you even get in this situation in the first place?",

Jamie's face turned bright red at the thought of having to tell how he ended up in diapers. "Uh, well..." he began hesitantly. "I have a bit of a history with diapers."

Rachel's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? How come?"

"Well, it started when I was little and had trouble toilet training," Jamie explained. "I was in diapers until I was three, and even after I was out of them during the day, I still wore them at night until I was almost five. My parents were pretty chill about it, but when I started outgrowing toddler-sized Pampers, they started getting a little worried."

"So what happened?" Rachel asked, clearly fascinated.

"I finally started waking up dry, so that was the end of my diaper days," Jamie replied. "But I couldn't shake the fascination with them. Whenever I went over to my cousins' house, I would sneak upstairs and steal a couple of my cousin Conor's Pampers to wear."

Rachel gasped. "You were stealing diapers from your cousin? That's so crazy!"

Jamie nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, I know. I couldn't help it. I just loved the feeling of wearing them. It wasn't until I was caught by my aunt Cora when I was ten that I stopped. She made me promise not to steal any more, and I tried to be good for a while, but the temptation was just too much. I started stealing Conor's diapers again, and I think my aunt knew, but she was nice and didn't say anything."

Rachel shook her head in amazement. "That's such a wild story. So you're still into wearing diapers now?"

Jamie nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. When I was thirteen and my mom found a stash of disposable diapers under my mattress, she made me go talk to a psychologist. He said it was just a phase and it was up to my parents how to deal with it. He even suggested buying me some diapers of my own so I could get it out of my system. But my dad thought it was a ridiculous idea, so it didn't happen. I kind of wanted it to happen but I also knew that it would be so embarrassing and I never expected them to do it. I mean, it's not exactly normal is it?"

"Wow," Rachel said, still shaking her head. "I had no idea you had such a complicated relationship with diapers. But hey, at least you can wear them now and not have to worry about it too much, right? What happened after the psychologist"

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