Chapter 2

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I release all of my stories on my Patreon page (BacktoBabyhood - link below) and have currently over 300 posts there including this story up. As of this date of this chapter release on WattPad, the story is currently at Chapter 8. I would be very grateful for any support as it enables me to spend more time writing and keep me motivated to keep going! Thank you :)

As the summer break approached, Jamie found himself with nothing to do and no plans for the long, hot months ahead. He was stuck at home, thinking about ways to earn enough money to buy a car for when he got his permit.

It was then that his big sister, Ellie, stepped in. "Hey Jamie, I have an idea," she said. "Our neighbors, the Steinbergs, are looking for someone to take care of Leo this summer. I used to babysit him all the time, but I have just got an internship in the City so I won't be able to do it this summer. You could take over for me?"

Jamie hesitated at first, not sure if he was ready for the responsibility of taking care of a three year-old. But the thought of spending the summer cooped up at home with nothing to do was even less appealing.

"Sure, I'll do it," he said finally. "I like Leo, and it'll be a good way to earn some money."

Ellie beamed at him. "Great! I'll let Mrs.Steinberg know you're on board. And don't worry, you'll do a great job. Leo's a sweet kid, and he's almost potty-trained now. Just make sure to keep him entertained and keep an eye on his diaper changes."

As Jamie sat in the living room, listening to Mrs. Steinberg explain the details of babysitting Leo, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with nervousness. He had never taken care of a child on his own before, and he wasn't sure if he was ready for the responsibility.

"So, as you know, Leo is almost three years old and he's still in diapers," Mrs. Steinberg said. "We try to use cloth diapers as much as possible, and we have a diaper service that delivers clean ones twice a week and takes the dirty ones away. You'll need to change his diaper every few hours, and make sure to keep him entertained and safe while he's in your care. Do you think you can handle that?"

Jamie nodded confidently. "Yes, I can do that. I like Leo, and I'm happy to take care of him."

Mrs. Steinberg smiled. "I knew I could count on you, Jamie. You're a responsible and mature young man, and I have no doubt you'll do a great job. We're also working on potty-training Leo, so if you see him showing any signs of needing to use the bathroom, please encourage him to use the potty. It's important that we get him out of diapers as soon as possible."

Jamie nodded, understanding the importance of helping Leo become potty-trained. "I'll do my best to help with that, Mrs. Steinberg. I know it's important for him to learn how to use the bathroom on his own."

Mrs. Steinberg nodded. "Thank you, Jamie. I appreciate your help with this. We'll pay you a fair wage, and if you have any questions or concerns while you're babysitting, don't hesitate to call me. I'm always available if you need anything."

Despite his commitment to Leo's Mum, Jamie was in no rush to help him get potty trained. He knew that a potty trained Leo would mean no more diapers!

As soon as Jamie was left alone with Leo for the afternoon, he quickly settled the little boy down in front of the TV and made his way upstairs. Jamie eagerly entered the nursery, his eyes scanning the room for the fluffy cotton diapers he had been dreaming about. He couldn't wait to try them on and see how they felt against his skin.

He approached the changing table and saw that there were piles of clean diapers stacked neatly on its surface. Without hesitation, Jamie grabbed a couple of the diapers and unfolded them. Then he hopped up on the table, his heart racing with excitement.

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