Chapter 4

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Jamie and Mrs. Jenkins' eyes briefly locked before she glanced away, not wanting to draw attention to the fact that she knew.

She was embarrassed for him and did not want to make him feel any more uncomfortable than he did currently. That said, she couldn't help being drawn to the unmistakable bulge between Jamie's leg.

Ignorance can sometimes be bliss and in this scenario, perhaps it was a good thing that Jamie was unaware of what Mrs. Jenkins had seen.

He was already mortified at what happened but would have been even more horrified if he found out that his school teacher knew that he wore diapers and even worse, he wet diapers like a baby!

Jamie glanced down at his crotch, conscious that Leo was only covering part of the damage and that the wet patch had become even more obvious.

His desperation to get home as quickly as possible only increased when Leo started bawling his eyes out, drawing the attention of the rest of the playground.

He knew that it was time to go,  "Sorry Mrs. Jenkins, I better get going.Thank you."

Mrs. Jenkins was still in shock at what she had seen but nodded in an understanding manner. "Yes, it looks like you better get off."

"Thanks Mrs. Jenkins. See you soon." Jamie said with relief in his voice that he had finally been able to get away.

Mrs. Jenkins hesitated before replying, "You too. Go and get yourself sorted out.......... I mean, Leo."

Jamie's face turned even redder than it already was as he hurried away, embarrassed and humiliated as he realised that his secret may have been discovered by his teacher.

Was it a slip of the tongue, or had she seen that he was wearing a wet diaper? He didn't know for sure but he could only conclude that she knew. Why else would she say that?

He started to panic - if she knew then would she tell all of the other teachers? Or speak with his Mum? Or tell his classmates?

His life would be over.

In the moment of panic, he even considered if he should go back and beg her to keep quiet but he knew that he couldn't possibly do that.

Leo continued to cry in Jamie's arms as he walked at pace back towards the house. It was only a short walk but it seemed to take longer than ever today, and felt like a covert mission as he sought to avoid anyone else he knew. Luckily they successfully made it back without bumping into anyone.

Jamie collapsed on the sofa and loudly sighed. He closed his eyes for a moment and then looked up at the clock. It was 4:30 pm which meant that Hazel would be back any minute.

He needed to get rid of all of the evidence quickly otherwise this day could go from bad to worse.

Jamie ran upstairs, with Leo still crying in the living room, and removed the diaper pins. As soon as the pins were displaced, the diaper dropped to the ground. He grabbed it and put it straight into the diaper pail.

His pants were still soaked with urine and evidently wet in the crotch area but before he could worry about that, he needed to get downstairs to hide the bottles and pacifiers he had been using.

If Hazel arrived home to find two pacifiers and two bottles out then she would be suspicious and would be sure to want to know what was going on.

With a slight grimace on his face, Jamie pulled the wet underwear and pants back up his leg and sprinted downstairs. With seconds to spare, he finished clearing up all of the evidence - he was home and dry..... well home and a bit wet!

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