Clean Up

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Dib stopped in front of Zim and his base, observing as the alien stood and Dib guessed, listening.

Following suit, he eyed the house, looking for any sign of GIR or his creations, messes.

He didn't fully understand why they were being so cautious, but he guessed that they'd never be truly sure if the little robot would come running to them with an edible taco, or some sort of poisonous object.

A few moments passed, the two observing the green base in a concentrated silence.

"He didn't blow up the base, and it doesn't look damaged either…" Zim mumbled with a nod.

The human nodded in response, turning to face him, as if to push the idea to head inside.

He watched as the irken stepped towards the door, following behind as he took a deep breath.

Zim swung open the door, pausing at the sight that laid inside.

Dib grimaced as he looked over his shoulder, saying the house was a mess was an understatement, there were various items scattered on the floor, along with a few food items that he wasn't entirely sure were edible, and just the absolute opposite from clean.

The strong smell of soap and waffles attacked his senses, and Dib found himself already feeling nauseous.

The alien seemed to feel the same about the situation, judging by the sour, unapproving expression that grew on his face.

"HI MASTER!!! " GIR excitedly squealed, earning a hiss from Zim as they both jumped back in surprise, where had the robot even come from?

"GIR! What is this filth? " Zim demanded, pointing an angry finger to the insides of the base.

"I was playin! " the robot poked its tongue out in an uncaring gesture, smiling at his master.

Zim dragged his hand across his face with a growl, annoyance basically radiating from his figure.

GIR poked his head up, spotting the human.

"HI MARRY!!! " GIR squealed again in greeting, waving at him.

Dib just gave a polite wave in response, feeling that informing the robot that Mary was in fact, not his name, would be a waste of time.

Zim let out a grunt, looking back into the base.

"Let's just get this over with. " The irken sighed, stepping into the base with a silent gesture that he should follow.

Carefully, he stepped into the house, careful to avoid all the muck and mess.

He paused at one of the items, a toy car, it prompted him to glance at the other items.

Most of them were toys of sorts, cars, stuffed animals, figures, just about anything I a kid would have.

"You buy GIR toys? " Dib mused, finding the fact that the alien had a soft spot for GIR sweet.

Zim froze, before whipping around to him with an embarrassed expression.

"No! Zim does not spend such moneys on these- er, toys! GIR stole them all! Yes! " Zim clarified through what Dib could tell was a giant lie.

"Uh huh" The human grinned, continuing to follow Zim as he marched to the kitchen.

Upon stepping into the kitchen, he was surprised at the lack of mess, other than a few waffles randomly thrown about, it was actually quite clean.

Zim didn't acknowledge this, simply grabbing hold of a broom, after a bit of looking, he found another one and handed it to him.

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