Prologue II: A Insane Past

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May 8th, 2011 - The Cake Is A Lie!

Peach was outside looking around when she turned around and saw Mario in the distance furious.

Mario: YOU!!!!!!

Peach was confused as Mario ran towards her angry.

Peach: Hi Mar-

Mario then picked Peach up and throws her into the fence then he beats her up for a couple of seconds before screaming, exploding which makes him a coin.

Peach: What... just... happened?

April 15th, 2012 - Peachosal Love

Luigi and Peach were talking when she turned around for a couple of seconds only to hear a gunshot so she turns back around to see Mario really close to her.

Peach: Oh hi Mario. Where did Luigi go?

Mario: I think he went to go kill himself.

Peach was confused but before she could say anything a Toad ran up to the two.



Mario says as he jumps and lands on the ground a couple of times angrily making the Toad walk away and Peach chuckle as Mario looks back at Peach.

October 7th, 2013 - Idiot karts 101

It was now Peachs turn to drive who got in the kart sideways confusing Mario.

Mario: The fuck?

Peach thoughts: Why am I even doing something this stupid?

Peach thinks as she looks at Mario who was confused which made her smiling thinking about the Mario she once knew but Peach shaked her head and looked straight ahead... sideways.

Peach thoughts: Well if I have to drive stupidly, so be it.

Peach then somehow started driving sideways she went around one cone but hit a wall. After backing up she passed the second cone and continue driving while driving a shy guy suddenly appeared on the track surprising Peach.

Shy Guy: YEAH, TOAST!!!

Then Peach hit the shy guy who was on the road and continued driving.

Peach: Sorry, whoever you were.

Then Peach got a item box she got a blue shell then threw it forgetting that she was the only one on the track. Peach ended up getting hit causing a massive explosion and her to fail as she hits a tree.

Peach: *Coughs* Ok, that was my fault.

Peach gets up realising that there was ash all over her dress which annoyed her along with getting a massive headache as she wipes off the ash sighing.

Peach thoughts: I wish there was a way to get rid of everyones stupidity.

July 6th, 2014 - Mario's Spageti Delivary

Mario was eating his spaghetti naked when Peach dropped from the ground ominously with fire behind her for some reason.

Mario: Ooh, very scary.

Then the fire behind her somehow disappeared as she said.

Peach: Hey Mario, can you help me?

Mario: Shit.

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