Chapter 7: The truth hurts like a fire

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With Mario and Peach...

Mario and Peach were walking back to the lab when Mario decided to start a conversation.

Mario: So... if Meggy was around us and did tap her forehead, what do you think she saw if Meggy did see something.

Peach: Hmm, I would say she saw what you call a mind fight. Although if Meggy just tapped her forehead, I don't think she would of seen or know much about what happened but I could be wrong.

Mario: Yeah... do you want me to carry the axes along with Smg4 while you carry Meggy or are you good?

Peach: I'm fine with carrying the axes and Smg4 but if you want, you can carry of the one axes to make it even.

Mario: Sure, I'll carry one of the axes.

Peach then gives Mario one of the axes and he grabs it as he yawns.

Mario: Man, I'm getting tired. You know, it will be nice to sleep for once.

Peach: Wait, you never slept. *Yawns* While you were a ghost?

Mario: No, I tried to muiltple times but I never could.

Peach: Dumb question but, did you ever go insane because of it?

Mario: No I didn't, I just got... really angry.

Mario said as he sighed then yawned.

Mario: I know this sounds messed up... but I really hope she didn't make Meggy go unconscious due to the amount of torture she put her through.

Peach: Same.

The two stopped talking and got back to the lab tired but before they could sleep. They put the axes on the table then went to the elevator, pressed the button which opened the doors, went into the elevator, pressed the button that closed the doors, elevator went down then stopped, doors opened and the two exited it then saw Inkling Meggy smiling with excitement.

Inkling Meggy: Guys, I remember everything! Albeit, what I remember weren't good things but it's something.

Mario: Did you actually remember everything that happened or did you just get glimpses of what happened?

Inkling Meggy: Well, all I got were glimpses but they were enough for me to connect the dots.

Peach: Good to know.

Inkling Meggy: I would tell you two what I saw but I'll save it for tomorrow since both of you look exhausted.

Mario: For me, exhausted is an massive understatement since I haven't slept for 12 years.

Inkling Meggy: 12 years?! I can't imagine not sleeping for 12 years...

Mario: Wait does that mean she made you go unconscious when she was-

Inkling Meggy: Torturing me? Yes, there were times where I would go unconscious. Most of the time I would wake up a couple minutes later but there were a few instances where I would be unconscious for a whole day.

Mario: Meggy, I'm sorry that she did that to you. If I or my stupid self knew what she was doing... *Yawns* We would of helped you.

Inkling Meggy: It's fine, Red. Your torture was waiting for 12 years and my torture was... actual torture.

Mario: Which you didn't deserve.

Inkling Meggy: And neither did you but lets forget about it, you're tired and haven't slept for a decade and two years. So go have the best sleep that you'll ever have after you put their arms around chains.

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