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Jesse narrowly dodged the sonic boom that crashed right where he was just standing. Rocks and dust tumbled down from the impact beside him.

He fell to the floor, his gloved hands cushioning the fall, with muscle memory he pushed himself back up as fast as he fell.

Petra side-stepped the long spindly hand of the sculkerman and slashed at it's torso with Miss Butter.

The hideous thing contorted it's bottom jaw unnaturally larger, the grey-blue skin around its cheeks stretched giving it the appearance that it's jaw was going to fall out, and the only thing holding it to the top was its skin.

Gurgling escaped from it's gaping maw that faded into a screech that made both Petra and Jesse flinch.

It then teleported away in a blue smokey flash, the creature's cry still echoing and bouncing of the walls of the ravine that diluted into whispers.

Jesse internally shivered, keeping his head on a swivel knowing it would attack again.

Petra gasped. "Where did it go?"

"I don't know, but it'll be back." Jesse quickly responded. The two started circling back-to-back swords at the ready.

The sun was starting to lazily retire, as the last of it's rays shone down the edges of the ravine creating a cozy warm glow.

Jesse would've taken his time to enjoy it if he wasn't so worried about all the new shadows the sculkerman could hide in.

In a poof it materialized to Jesse's right and swiped at him. He met the boney limb with his sword, the blade lodged deep into it's bone.

The sculkerman let out a sonic screech that knocked Jesse back into the cliff wall, taking it's arm with him.

It poofed than reappeared right infront of Jesse, who was still winded from the blow.

It's whole body vibrated as it screamed at him. Jesse cupped his hands around his ears feeling like his head was going to explode.

Suddenly, it's cries were cut short by a golden sword sticking from the back of its skull through it's mouth. It let out one last gasp then disintegrated into ashy dust.

The powder drifted away revealing Petra grinning like a madman.

"Thanks Petra." Jesse coughed.

"Of course!" She held a hand out for Jesse to grab.

Jesse, who's ears were still ringing barely heard what she said. He stared shaking his head and made sounds to test his hearing.

"You gonna stay there?" She playfully prodded.

When Jesse was satisfied with the state of his hearing he grinned and took her hand, she easily hoisted him up with a strong grip.

The sculkerman's limb that Jesse still had lodged on his sword bursted into white dust coating both of their front ends a chalky grey.

Jesse immediately started to laugh as soon as he saw Petra coated in sculkerman dust. His quick breaths made the ash fly into his lungs and the laughing quickly started turning into a laugh-cough-gag.

Petra started to giggle too at the sight of ash covered Jesse, and soon the two were just a dust-covered mess of laughing, coughing and sneezing.

Jesse punched himself in the chest to get all the dust out and noticed the rays of light slip away, leaving them in a inky blanket of darkness. The sky was a deep shade of purple that was hugged by the towering rock walls of the ravine.

"We should find some shelter for the night." Jesse started to viciously pat himself off.

Petra simply smeared some ash off her face and looked around.

Finding Home: A MCSM FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now