Chapter 2: Alius

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"How did Cassie get out?" Aiden questioned in a nasal voice, a thick bandaid covered his nose bridge that he rubbed every few minutes.

Lukas glared at him and raised an eyebrow. Receiving the look Aiden shrugged. "I overheard some stories."

"I don't know." The three were in the order hall after last night's events discussing about the White Pumpkin's appearance so close to Beacon Town.

"Well, we got to find her before somthing -bad happens." Lukas scratched the back of his head with a quizzed look. "You said she came out of a portal made from tree branches?"

"Yeah, I mean it wasn't as stable as a normal portal but somehow it supported a gateway from somewhere.." Jesse called upon his memory trying to soak up all he could remember. The moldy trees, the blue portal... "There was somthing about the eyes." Jesse mumbled.

"What?" Aiden sniffed.

"The White Pumpkin had a blue eye."

Lukas scratched his chin. "Maybe she got a new mask, we did take her old one as a trophy."

"Your probably right-." A yawn interrupted Jesse's words.

Lukas smiled. "You should get to bed." Jesse bobbed his head.

"Yeah, we'll get some rest and I'll go look into it first thing in the morning."

"I'll come with you." Lukas patted Jesse on the shoulder. "Night Jesse."

"Night." He replied with a sheepish smile.

Aiden shifted from the wall he was leaning on. "Can I come too?" Jesse glanced at him and his bandaged nose. Can I trust him? -I did promise a chance, but,- he, didn't do anything to break that chance yet so...

"Is your nose ok enough?"

Aiden gave a curt nod. "It's fine."

Jesse nodded his head. "Alright see you in the morning."

Aiden mumbled goodnight and ok then left for his house, Lukas retired to his room in the order hall for the night leaving the large space quiet.

Jesse shut lights and headed back to his own room plopping down on the bed scrambling out of tight green suspenders.

Jesse blinked at the ceiling in silence for a few moments thinking about what happened...


Before he knew it the call of roosters tickle my ears. With a yawn Jesse opened the curtains and sat back down on the bed with a creak.

I still have to get the dye restocked, but I could get someone on that. I need to bring supplies for today, to scout for Cassie. The idea of adventure made my nerves tinggle with anticipation. But she could hurt someone in her desperate search home. Jesse landed on the assumption that she either escaped to get revenge or to get home. Hopefully the latter.

This happens every morning.

Jesse thought about what he need to get done each day. It helps with the procrastination just a little.

After getting dressed, he exited his room still feeling like a sack of potatoes. "Hey Jessie!" A few potatoes get lifted out of Jesse's walk and he brightens up.

"Morning Lukas." Jesse saw him already packing things and shuffling through chests. "Thanks."

He grins and hands me an apple. "Don't mention it."

We get the morning started in peaceful silence. Lukas said he already got some people to stock up Beacon Town's needs, upon hearing that Jesse's heart lifted. Lukas will be there for me when I need help, whenever, and I'll be there for him.

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