Chapter 5: Praeripio

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I was the first to wake.

The first hours of early morning I spent patching up my old suit, before being forced to stop for lack of materials.

I'll have to get some leather and wool later.

Even after burning some hours the sky was still dim. Leaving the large building in a eery hush. I couldn't decide if I wanted to wait till the others woke or if I should get the things needed to leave without them.

Maybe rummaging through chests without permission isn't the best thing... and yet... I wouldn't know when the next time such a peaceful stop would be. This may be the last world before I get to mine!

If I have gotten into an alternate universe I must be close! Or maybe even further than ever...

I forced the thoughts from the forefront of my mind as I peeked through the door as if I was sneaking.

Am I sneaking? There is no immediate reason for why I should. Careful perhaps? Anxious? Why?

I took care that my boots didn't thunk hard against the floor as I slowly walked to the treasure hall. I had to look. For nostalgia sake.

I rounded the corner and saw the first row of treasure displaying pedestals.

A sponge, a ghast tear, an ender pearl, a blazerod. On the right row; another sponge block, a spider eye, a pufferfish, and the lapis Ivor tried scamming us- them all those years ago.

Not necessarily treasures by rarity, but by memories.

I padded on the soft red carpet and traced the intricate details on each one of the cold pedestals with my fingertips, swimming in stories I remembered about each little trinket. Atleast my version of the tales.

There is no knowing the small subtle changes from this world and my own.

I frown as I see the steps leading up to the prized treasures. I remembered the last time all the Order if the Stone members stood here at the same time.

The memory was like a terribly faded old painting, it was so long ago.


"Wow, no one ever beat me at waking early 'till now."

I spin to see Jesse watching me. I let a light laugh. "It's a habit, traveling through as quick as you can will make your sleep schedule all over the place. Usually if I can, I'd rather sleep in."

He joined me and looked out of the huge windows, little light came through as it was still foggy with the early morning sky. Redstone laterns illuminated the hall with a cozy warm atmosphere.

"I don't think I've ever asked about the details, how exactly did you get lost?"

The sky, framed by the grand windows, started to bleed with light. I could see the faint silhouette of distant familiar mountains.

"I left Beacon Town, ran with Petra."

Jesse raised a brow but didn't say anything.

"- We ran across a village, the people that lived there reporting strange things happening in the ravine next to them. So, we checked it out. Found somthing."

If only we burned that wretched place to the ground and never looked back.

"An abandoned city underground, ran over entirely with sculk. The sculk had a guardian though, called The Warden. It attacked Petra and I."

I stared out of the window as the first rays of the morning sun broke past the clouds.

"There was a huge portal frame in the middle of the city, it was opened when the Warden used its sonic scream on a soul latern, hitting the frame..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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