Chapter 1: Portalis

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Fwip... fwip, fwip...

Jesse raised his head out from his folded arms leaned on the desk. The hopper dispensed three new papers.

Fingers brushed against the paper and he sighed as Jesse straightened out to take a better look at them.

The first one was a list from Radar, who went around town checking in on what supplies are needed and whatnot:

Various types of dye needed, specifically:
Black, lime, pink, green, and cyan.
Sand for glass, coal, and bones.
Sheep need new enclosures.

Jesse neatly folded and tucked the paper in his pocket.

The second one was about needing stables near the gate for travelers and the third was a letter from Binta requesting building materials for their new encampment for exchange of whatever I needed.

Most people of the underground came to the surface. They were isolated for so long that they became uncomfortable to new faces and decided to build away from Beacon Town under Binta's supervision.

Jesse stretched his neck moving his head side to side and pushed his body away from the desk then swung my legs off the chair.

Time to get to work.

He idly tapped the desk as he considered dragging Aiden with him to go flower picking for the pink dye with a little harmless humiliation- but I could get him to help me do better stuff with productivity in mind. Would've been fun to see that though... Jesse gathered two shovels and two picks from the chest in my room as he planned the rest of the day out.

The order hall door glided up smoothly thanks to Olivia's engineering Jesse thought with a thankful smile.

The afternoon bustle of Beacon Town greeted me. Some people waved when they saw Jesse, his hand goes up as Jesse waved back with a small smile. Humming as he mapped out a route as the brown-haired hero started making his way to the edge of Beacon Town where Aiden was temporarily bunked.

I can pass by the sheep enclosures if I go through the alleys.

Bleating wafted up to his ears as Jesse neared. There was about five sheep that supplied wool for the townsfolk with their various projects, as Jesse rounded the corner he saw; scratch that six sheep. A lamb cried as the mother attentively licked its slimey fresh new fur.

"Ah! Jesse! Thanks for stopping by!" A young girl ran up and nervously fiddled with her hair.

"Hello! I've heard that the sheep needed some new enclosures, wasn't sure why untill now." Jesse glanced back at the baby's wobbly stance and smiled.

"Er, yeah, the other sheep might trample the lamb so I've got to either separate them or make this fence bigger, but I don't want to annoy the neighbors either."

"I see."

We spent about an hour planning, considering, and building a larger pen for the sheep.

She thanked Jesse and he waved goodbye, then hurriedly paced towards Aiden's place.

If we go to the banks for sand quick enough maybe I can get him to flower pick.

Jesse spotted him in an argument with someone else on the side of the main road.
His mouth was set in a scowl and his brows were angrily burrowed. "No I did not!"

Jesse swiftly went ahead and ducked behind someone's build, just out of sight.

"Admit it! You purposefully did that just for an excuse to pick on me!" Some guy and Aiden were exchanging some shouts and heated words making a fuss.

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