My reasoning on the romantic ships

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I wrote that weeks ago and I want to share it with you guys ♡
(Y'all are allowed to have opinions such as "I don't ship it" I respect it but it would be kind of youto shut your mouth about it, it's annoying being told that tbh)

• Blawn

They gave eachother light beside being polar opposites. They saved eachother from a dark time of their lives, Dawn gave Blake hope that he was going to have peace one day, and faith that there was amazing people out there. Blake gave Dawn a new purpose of saving a life, she probably felt like her sister's death was her fault and made her scared of love and when she meet Blake, she didn't just found her soulmate, she found her new purpose and friend. Blake found his new purpose in life and finally felt loved. They both are the Yin and Yang to eachother, the other half they need.

• Phobin

Phoenix inspired Robin to realize and move on with her past relationship. She thought Phoenix was a wonderful person but when she meet her true self she probably betrayed in a way. But as we see Phoenix is getting a bit softer with her she might want to become an actual good person. Not a beautiful lie. So, Robin gives Phoenix the inspiration of becoming good and Phoenix gives the inspiration of being strong and confident. They also fit eachothers needs when it comes to platonic and romantic love. Phoenix needs a person who will stick up her hot-headed personality and won't give up on her. Robin needs someone to show her no need to be so afraid of things, and has to be confident with herself.

• Brash

Ash and Brook are a literal example of when plants need water. But also how they pulled out eachother out of the darkness. When Ash lost his mother, Brook felt sympathy and went to comfort him. Brook felt misunderstood by his parents. Sure his siblings were there for him but he needed someone else to understand him.They became best friends and were very comfortable with eachother.  Brook did fear his father and didn't want to disappoint him. So he dated Spiral to prove to him that he can see him. Ash then saw how he liked him and didn't want to give up on them. But at the end he understood why. And was ready whenever Brook was going to be ready. Even if it took times.

Fun fact my favourite ship of all time is Phobin ✨

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