𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚 - 𝙂𝙪𝙩𝙨

364 20 3

TW: Descriptive Gore 

I walked around my house for the 100th time, not knowing what to do with having so much time on my hands, going down to the basement for the 10th time. Quickly walking down the stairs and making a sharp turn down, looking into the 'friendly-looking' basement, my feet proceeded forward on the cold wooden floor of their basement, reached for the door, and entered for the 5th time, but this time, it felt different.

Turning the knob slowly, I smelt the smell of decay, the rotting smell of a human body. My body seemed to have a mind of its own, and looking down to the floor of the dimly lit room, I scrutinized the strange creature. I soon froze in my place as it stopped eating to stare at me, revealing its sharp teeth as we made eye contact.

In the dim, eerie glow of a single flickering lantern, a scene of abhorrent horror unfolded before my eyes. The room was a disarray of shadows and distorted shapes, each corner concealing unimaginable terrors. Amidst this grotesque tableau, a creature emerged from the murk, its features obscured by darkness, yet a crimson glint highlighted its gaping maw.

My gaze fixated on the creature's teeth, glistening wetly with the residue of its gruesome feast. It clamped down upon a severed limb, a limb that had once been part of a human, the remnants of flesh and bone now left to adorn its grotesque smile. Blood oozed and pooled in a macabre dance upon the worn wooden floor, its surface marred by the stains of a life violently extinguished.

Innocence was shattered in this ghastly arena, replaced by a chilling tableau of visceral reality. Organs, removed with callous precision, lay strewn on the ground like discarded refuse. Among them, a heart, crimson and stark against the backdrop of desolation, was nestled within the creature's jagged grin. The heart, once the pulsating center of life, now dangled lifelessly, an offering to this sinister entity that revelled in chaos.

Frozen in a grip of terror, I stood as a helpless observer of this grotesque feast. My limbs, once instruments of movement, were now paralyzed, my will to flee suffocated by the weight of this nightmarish vision. Tears streamed down my face, mirroring the cascade of horror that unfolded before me. My body quivered with a mixture of revulsion and fear, an involuntary reaction to the nightmarish spectacle that held me captive.

The creature continued its savage consumption, a malevolent force uncaring of my presence, devouring its victim with unbridled hunger. Its gnashing teeth tore through flesh and bone, accompanied by a sickening symphony of crunches and squelches that carved an indelible mark upon my psyche. Every gruesome bite, every swallow, added to the accumulation of dread that enveloped me.

As the creature's insatiable appetite reached its peak, it devoured the heart, the ultimate symbol of life and emotion, now reduced to a mere morsel to be consumed. The heart's final beats were silenced within the creature's ravenous gullet, a haunting crescendo that resonated in the recesses of my mind. In an instant, it shifted its focus, fixing its malevolent gaze upon me.

The creature's eyes, gleaming with a sinister light, pierced through the darkness to lock onto my trembling form. A shiver coursed down my spine as its gaze penetrated the very core of my being. 

A voice, cold and detached, slithered from its twisted lips, each syllable enunciated with deliberate intent. "Can you see me...? Do you see me? Then stay quiet.." The command hung in the air like a cursed decree, compelling silence upon me as a heavy fog of dread clouded my senses.

Suddenly, discordant laughter erupted from the creature's mouth, an unsettling symphony that sent shivers down my spine. It was a laugh devoid of joy, a cacophony of malevolence that resonated in the stillness of the room, haunting and discordant. The creature's grin widened into an unnerving display of teeth, a visual manifestation of its sadistic amusement.

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