𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙤 - 𝙀𝙢𝙥𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙮

246 15 3

{edited, september 17, 2023 }

My nightmares are becoming more frequent than I'd prefer. Just before I tumble into the void, the same words echo repeatedly, 'Can you see me...? Do you see me? Then stay quiet..' followed by that eerie, familiar laugh.

Each night, I'd awaken in a chilling sweat, haunted by these nightmares. Letting out a weary sigh, I grabbed my phone to check the time—4:58 am. After placing it back on my bedside table, I yawned, the weariness settling in. Sitting up, I hesitated, not ready to face sleep again. My gaze fell upon the puppet on the floor near my desk. Its unblinking eyes seemed fixed on some unknowable horizon.

With a sigh, I rose from my bed, embarking on my usual daily routine: a refreshing shower, a hearty breakfast, a brief stretch, and the occasional outburst at my TV for utterly absurd reasons.

Sitting at the table, I absentmindedly stirred my cereal, my thoughts drifting to the peculiar puppet Isa had sent me. An unsettling gut feeling clawed at me, a nagging sensation that something wasn't right. Yet, I brushed it off each time.

As I chewed my cereal, my mind shifted to my new job as a night guard. The thought of patrolling a dimly lit building felt strangely exhilarating. I envisioned myself navigating the shadows, my footsteps echoing in empty hallways. A shiver of anticipation ran down my spine.

Finishing breakfast, I stood up, eyeing the puppet once more. Despite the nagging feeling, I let out a nervous chuckle, chiding myself for my unease. I'd seen too many horror movies, after all.


Slipping into my crisp uniform, I straightened my collar with a sense of purpose. Exiting my apartment, the cool breeze ruffled my hair as I locked the door behind me. My car awaited, a reliable companion ready to take me on this new adventure.

Driving to the designated address, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves. As I parked, Axel's tall figure came into view. We exchanged a nod of recognition.

"Y/n, right?" Axel's voice was warm as he extended his hand. "I'm Axel, your partner on this night shift."

I shook his hand firmly, a sense of camaraderie already forming. "Nice to meet you, Axel."

His smile was reassuring as he said, "I'll be teaching you the basics of this job, and all that. Alright?"

With a determined nod, I felt a surge of anticipation. As we entered the building, I knew that Axel's presence would make this new job less daunting. The unease I'd felt earlier seemed to fade into the background as we ventured forth.


Under the dim glow of monitor screens, Axel guided me through the intricacies of security cameras. His explanations flowed effortlessly as he pointed out each control panel and camera angle. His confidence was contagious as he demonstrated how to navigate the surveillance system.

As we walked the corridors, he handed me a keyring with a multitude of keys. With patience, he detailed the purpose of each key, matching them to their respective rooms. His voice was steady and reassuring, a mentor guiding me through the labyrinth of hallways.

"Remember, Y/n, being a security guard is about vigilance and presence," Axel emphasized, his eyes locking onto mine. He shared anecdotes of his own experiences, his words laced with wisdom. "You hold the night's vigil here, safeguarding this place," Axel emphasized, his tone resonating with purpose.

With each passing moment, Axel's instructions intertwined seamlessly with the hushed ambiance of the building. The camera feeds flickered to life on the screens, a synchronized dance that mirrored his guidance. Gradually, I found myself becoming one with this role, a result of Axel's unwavering patience and skillful mentorship.

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