𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙭 - 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙩

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{Edited! Sorry I didn't like how I rushed it and decided to fix it up, it didn't really match what I was going for but yeah! This is edited}

Shit- Shit- Shit- 

I had an unsettling premonition that something terrible was on the horizon. Maybe it was just my imagination running wild, but a sense of impending doom gnawed at me relentlessly.

shit- oh shit- 

The thought kept circling in my mind like a broken record, an endless loop of doubt and suspicion. I couldn't escape it; it was as if my mind had become a prisoner of these thoughts. Could Axel have been deceiving me all along?

No, I couldn't accept that. I told myself that Axel was a trustworthy person, someone I could rely on. But deep down, I knew that denial was a shield people often used to protect themselves from harsh truths.

My heart pounded in my chest as I grappled with these conflicting emotions. On one hand, I desperately wanted to believe in Axel's sincerity and our friendship. On the other hand, the ominous conversation I had overheard painted a different picture.

I found myself lying on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, lost in thought. The voices I had heard earlier echoed in my mind, like a relentless broken record, playing the same unsettling tune over and over again, with no way to silence it.

I shifted on my bed and glanced at the clock, its glowing numbers indicating it was 12:20 am. With a sigh, I rolled over to face the wall, hoping that a change in position might ease my troubled thoughts.

A soft groan escaped my lips. Regrets swirled within me, and I couldn't help but dwell on my decision to open that cursed box. It felt like a moment of curiosity had condemned me to a lifetime of torment.

With each passing second, my mind grew heavier with the weight of my decisions. The regret gnawed at me, like a relentless beast clawing at my sanity. I wished I could turn back time, undo the choices that had led me down this dark and twisted path. But there was no going back, only forward into the abyss of uncertainty.

I dragged myself out of bed, leaving the haunting thoughts behind as I stumbled into the living room. The TV flickered to life, casting a pale glow across the room. I sank into the couch, my thoughts still heavy and oppressive, like a storm cloud looming over me.

The television buzzed with mindless chatter, but I couldn't focus on the words or the images. They were just noise, a distraction from the darkness that lurked within. I needed something to occupy my mind, to drown out the relentless thoughts that threatened to consume me.

With the remote in my hand, I aimlessly flipped through channels, the voices of reality shows, news reports, and sitcoms blending into a cacophony of meaningless sound. It was all just background noise, a feeble attempt to drown out the chaos inside my head.

As I watched the flickering images on the screen, I couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to escape the torment that had become my life. But for now, all I could do was sit in the dimly lit room and wait for the dawn to break, hoping that somehow, things would get better.


I couldn't shake the feeling of unease as I arrived at work around midnight. 

I struggled to maintain a facade of normalcy with Axel, but the unease in my heart had grown into a deafening drumbeat of fear. I couldn't simply brush aside the nagging suspicion that Axel was involved in something sinister, something beyond human comprehension.

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