Chapter 8: Plan To Escape

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A few days later, me and Adam were walking inside of Nevermore when suddenly we saw Eugene getting harassed by some werewolves.


I frown and heard Adam sigh so we approached the group, they weren't getting physical but they were trying to intimidate him.

Blue: Hey! Stop that right now!

The four werewolves stopped and looked up, once they saw me, they were scared except for one, the ones who were scared had run off while the somewhat brave werewolf stood his ground.

Werewolf: Oh? And what are you going to do?

Just like Adam, I sigh and use my speed to suddenly appear in front of him, this made the werewolf flinch and throw a wild punch, I parry it with my wrist and kicked his shin.

He dropped on his knees and I pushed him to the ground with a flick from my finger, he looks up at me while I look down at him, a glare present on my face.

Blue: Listen here boy, I will let you run along with no form of PTSD if you stop bullying my friend, are we clear?

The werewolf kid felt fear and nodded his head, he gets up and quickly runs off. I then shake my head as if I was zoning out, sometimes I can get angry and just transfer to another state.

Blue: Eugene, are you okay?

Adam: They didn't hurt you right?

Eugene: Don't worry you two! I'm fine, they were only taunting me but jokes on them, I wasn't scared! Thank you for coming to my aid though.

Blue: Of course Eugene, you're our friend

Adam: Eugene, you need to stay with one of us or one of our other friends.

Eugene: I know but it's hard when I'm not always in your lessons.

Blue: Then my good friend, you need to use my secret technique!

Eugene: Secret Technique? [Gasps] What is it?!

Adam: [Sighs] Oh God no.......

Screw you Adam, it's amazing

Blue: [Smiles] It is to run away!

Eugene:.......That is so cool! And it's a smart thing to do!

Blue: Hehe, I know it is, I inherited it from an ancient and legendary clan

Eugene: Coooooool, so are you two going to go to the festival tomorrow?

Blue: Of course! Most of the school is going anyways so it's just going to be a vibe

Adam: The only problem is that it isn't safe at night because you never know what can happen, the streets of London weren't nice at night

Blue: You have a point but we will be fine as long as no one delves into the forest, I mean....who would?

(..........sooooooooo, who gon tell him?)

Eugene: I'm going back to my dorm now

Blue: Do you need someone to walk with you there?

Eugene: A good offer my fellow beekeeper but I'll be fine, thank you for the offer

Eugene Leaves and now we can do what we were doing before and that was-


Wait, what were we doing before Eugene got jumped?

Adam: If you're wondering what we were doing, we were going to join up with Xavier and Ajax.

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