Chapter 32: Assisting A Fellow.....Demon?

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It was a quiet, cold night in the deep forests of Jericho. The birds were in their trees and the owls were out, the sun was down while the moon was up.....and the humans slept while the Moon Demon was wide awake.

and the humans slept while the Moon Demon was wide awake

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Warden......potentially the last Moon Demon, but a crafty one.

He was standing on top of a tree, one of the taller ones, and he just watched the moon, staring at its light. Naturally, he had a connection with the Moon, but it was stronger than his former brothers and sisters.

Warden:......The time will come soon.....the Old Horns will rise, and that will be the first sign of what's to come. You have improved, Blue Light....but let's see how much more stronger you get.

Blue Light....the Son of the Great Demon known as Lupercio.

He has faced a variety of opponents, a Hyde.....a Sun Ghost......Joseph Crackstone himself.

But today....he faces his greatest challenge yet-


Blue: O-Ow....

A rogue spirit.

He crashed against the base of something and sighed, not expecting this to be difficult. But where is he, you may ask?

Well, he was in his home country of England, but not inside his actual house.

No, instead he was in a older looking house, as he was sent to deal with this Rogue Spirit. The thing he collided with, was a wooden base with a see through case.....and in that case was....

and in that case was

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Annabelle herself.

Annabelle: Do you need help with it?

Blue: Nope....I got this

Annabelle: Okay, have fun~

Blue gets up and stretches, then he approaches the spirit as it screeched at him. The rogue spirit had taken the form of a imp like demon, it wasn't as strong as Blue, but it was annoying to deal with.

The Rogue Spirit started to jump around, trying to put Blue off, once it saw Blue's eyes move about, it leaped at him with claws, ready to tear his flesh apart.

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