The Party

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Everyone gets together at least once a month to throw a huge party for all eight friends. Chan suggests they all get missions that have to complete by the end of the night. Things take an interesting turn when Jisung has to kiss everyone.

About once a month, Jisung's friend group would throw a party. It was never anything huge, just a time for all 8 of them to be in one place at the same time. This time around they were all going to meet at Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin and Jisung's dorm. Chan claimed he had something planned for tonight, and Jisung was wracking his brain trying to figure out what it could be.

"Come on, Chan," He said, tugging on his sleeve. "You can tell me."

"It wouldn't be a surprise then," Chan retorted, smiling down at Jisung.

"You're no fun," Jisung replied, flopping back onto the couch dramatically. In truth, his nerves were eating away at him and wanted something, anything to distract him.

"Yeah, yeah," Chan said. "Go clean your room before our company arrives."

Anything but that. "Why did I choose to live with such a buzzkill?"

"Because you love me."


"That's homophobic," Chan called out as he walked off into the kitchen.

"You're not funny!" Jisung yelled, but this time his quip was ignored. That was his warning to start cleaning or Chan would start to get passive aggressive. For some reason seeing Chan be vaguely disappointed in you stung so much worse than it should.

Jisung got up and dragged his feet to his room, which was a complete disaster. There was no way he would have enough time to clean it completely, but he could hide the giant pile of water bottles.

The distraction worked for about 30 seconds. His thoughts were already spiraling with possibilities about what could happen tonight. He was comfortable around his friends, obviously, but that did little to calm his nerves. It was always a bit stressful to get everyone together. When it was just Jisung and one other member it was much easier to control the situation. With everyone in one place, he felt overwhelmed.

After doing his best to organize his room slightly more, he started hearing people arrive.

First was of course Seungmin, who was rarely late to anything. Jeongin came in right after him, pretending they didn't come together. Felix arrived a little while after, carrying brownies in.

"Were we supposed to bring something?" Seungmin asked.

"No," Chan replied, ruffling Felix's hair. "He was told specifically to NOT bring brownies."

"La-la-la," Felix responded, covering his ears. "I can't hear you!"

Jisung smiled. "I taught him that one."

"Well unteach him," Chan said, sighing at them.

Felix and Jisung were called the twins, not only because of their close birthdays, but because of their tendency to make mischief together.

Minho was the last to arrive.

"Finally," Seungmin said with an eye-roll. "What took you so long?"

Minho ignored him and hung his coat up.

"Jisung," Felix said in a teasing voice while poking Jisung. They were both sitting on the couch half paying attention to a movie. "Your boyfriends here"

Jisung pushed Felix but looked towards the door to see Minho. He was wearing a white shirt, jeans and a leather jacket.

"You're going to catch flies," Felix warned him jokingly, closing Jisungs mouth. "Are you just going to stare at him or are you two going to talk?"

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