The Last Time

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Minho, most of the time, considered himself to be a decently strong person. He had confidence in his work, he was assertive and certain in his actions. The criticisms about him being too cocky only let him know that he presented exactly who he thought he was.

There was only one exception to this. Han Jisung.

When they first met, Minho would have never guessed the hold Jisung would have over him since one day. Jisung seemed to fall in love at first sight, but it took Minho a little bit longer to come to terms with the unfamiliar feeling in his chest.

It took a few months of dancing around the obvious question for Jisung to confess.

"Hey Minho," He had said. It late and they were getting a midnight snack at the convenience store. It has been silent between them before, a comfortable silence that they often fell into. "Can I ask you a stupid question?"

"You always ask stupid questions," Minho responded without skipping a beat, a smirk on his face as Jisung rolled his eyes. "Why would you need my permission this time?"

"Whatever," Jisung grumbled. "Can I ask or not?"

"Well, yeah, now I'm curious." Minho leaned forward, forgetting his meal as he looked at Jisung with intrigue.

"Would I be crazy to think that we should start dating?" Jisung asked, trying to come off nonchalant but Minho didn't miss the fact that his leg was bouncing rapidly.

The air suddenly felt thicker, the question had caught Minho by surprise. "What?"

Jisung looked a thousand times more anxious now. "i was just thinking, maybe, I don't know. It doesn't matter, forget I said anything. I didn't mean to make things weird, I'm sorry."

Minho reached over and took Jisung's hand in his. "No, no, that's not what I'm trying to say, you just caught me off guard."

Jisung forced himself to meet Minho's eyes. "So..?"

"So," Minho started, biting his lip as he thought it about for a moment. He had dreamed of this moment so many times, but he knew it was a bad idea. Jisung was too good for him. "I would love to date you, Jisung."

Jisung beamed and sighed in relief. "Oh thank god, I was about to have a heart attack!"

Minho laughed and squeezed Jisung's hand, a hint of sadness in his smile. "Don't ever doubt how much I love you, Jisung."

Jisung smiled even wider somehow and stood up, opening his arms. Minho wrapped his around Jisung's shoulders, shuddering at how nice it felt to hold him.

All he could think was I'm sorry.

That night, when Jisung fell asleep in Minho's bed with their legs tangled together and Jisung's head resting on his boyfriend's chest, all Minho could do was try to get some sleep. Jisung deserved so much better, but Minho was selfish and wouldn't tell him this. He would just have to find out on his own, because every second Minho could steal with Jisung was precious. It was like there was an invisible ticking time bomb hanging over every sweet moment.

Minho knew himself too well to ever fully let his guard down. He knew he could be distant, cold. He knew how hard he was to love. He also knew that Jisung would try his best, no matter how badly it hurt. It was admirable how dedicated Jisung was to the people he loved, Minho just wished it wasn't him.

Jisung was too good for him. But he loved Jisung too much to let him go, even if he knew it was going to end in disaster.


The first fight happened on their one month anniversary. Minho had been counting down every day because he was planning a small surprise for Jisung to celebrate.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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