56. May I have this dance?

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He extended his hand, adorned in a pristine white glove, towards her, a silent invitation to dance. With a gentle smile, she accepted, placing her hand in his. The world around them faded, leaving only the two of them in a realm where music and movement became their language.

He leaned in, his voice a whisper against her ear. "May I have this dance, my dear?"

She met his gaze, her eyes sparkling. "I would be honored," she replied, her voice filled with a touch of excitement.

As the orchestra began to play a melodious waltz, their bodies swayed in perfect harmony. Their steps were as light as feathers, their movements fluid and graceful. With every twirl and dip, they expressed emotions that words could not capture.

Their eyes locked, communicating a story of longing and desire. With a tender touch, he guided her across the floor, their bodies flowing together as if they were one. The rhythm propelled them forward, creating an invisible bond that drew them closer with each passing moment.

He brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his voice a mere breath. "I can't express in words how much I love you Anokhi"

She blushed, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. "So do I, Shaurya"

The dance was a conversation, an unspoken dialogue of passion and vulnerability. Their bodies intertwined and separated, a beautiful ebb and flow, a delicate balance between intimacy and restraint. Each movement conveyed unspoken promises, weaving a tale of love and devotion.

They spun and twirled, their laughter mingling with the music, filling the hallroom with joy. 

The onlookers watched in awe, captivated by the sight of their seamless connection. Their dance became a work of art, a testament to the power of human connection and the unyielding beauty of love. Applause and admiration erupted around them, but they remained oblivious to the world, locked in their own enchanted moment.

He dipped her low, their eyes locked in a mixture of intensity and tenderness. "With you, my love, I have found the truest joy."

She smiled, her voice filled with genuine affection. "And in your arms, I have discovered a love that sets my soul on fire."

The dance reached its crescendo, and as the final notes echoed through the hall, they came together in a breathtaking finale. He lifted her high into the air, their bodies entwined, defying the boundaries of gravity and time. The audience erupted into applause, a thunderous celebration of their love translated into movement.

In that magical instant, they held each other, breathless and elated. Their eyes met, a shared understanding passing between them. And in that embrace, they knew that this dance was not merely a performance; it was a testament to their love, a celebration of their connection, and a promise of a future filled with dances yet to come.

(A/N :- Writer ke andar ka shayar jaag gya hai aaj *_*)


Shaurya: (smiling) "Well, that was one unforgettable night."

Anokhi: (leaning against him) "Absolutely. I loved every moment, especially your dance moves. You might not be as young as the others, but You've still got it."

Shaurya: (laughing)"excuse me ??!! did you just called me old?" 

Anokhi -  "well...maybe..."

Shaurya - "Age is just a number. I've got the timeless moves, my dear."

Anokhi: (reflecting) "You know, it's moments like these that make life so beautiful. Surrounded by friends, dancing, and just being together."

Shaurya: (nodding) "Couldn't agree more. These moments are the glue that holds everything together. I'm grateful for each one we get to share."

Anokhi -  "that makes me remember, main reema se nahi mili kaafi dino se toh I'll just go and meet her, kya pata iske baad kab mulaqat ho"

Shaurya -  Sure !!

As Anokhi went to catch- up with Reema,  Shaurya met the students and wished them the best for all their future endeavours. He even gave all of them gifts on behalf of SIAC. Soon, the party got over as everyone started leaving

Anokhi: (looking at her watch) "It's late. We should probably head home."

Shaurya: (smirking) "Home sounds perfect right now. Maybe we can continue the party there, just the two of us."

Anokhi: (playfully) "Oh, I like the sound of that. But first, let's thank the host for the amazing evening."

They make their way to the host, express their gratitude, and exchange goodbyes with friends. As they step out into the cool night, the city lights twinkling in the distance, Shaurya and Anokhi reflect on the joy of the evening and the deeper connection they share.

Shaurya: (holding Anokhi close) "Tonight was magical, wasn't it?"

Anokhi: (resting her head on his shoulder) "It truly was. I wouldn't trade these moments for anything in the world."

Hand in hand, they walk towards their car, ready to continue the celebration of love and life at the cozy haven they call home.


Shaurya: (unlocking the door) "Home sweet home."

Anokhi: (entering with a smile) "The best place in the world, especially when you're here."

They kick off their shoes, and Shaurya puts on some soft music in the background.

Shaurya: (grinning) "How about a nightcap? I'll fix us some drinks."

Anokhi: (nodding) "Sounds perfect. I'll make us a cozy spot on the couch."

Shaurya prepares a couple of drinks, and they settle onto the couch, surrounded by the warmth of their home.

Anokhi: (toasting) "To us, to SIAC, and to many more beautiful moments."

Shaurya: (clinking glasses) "Cheers, my love. Now, what do you say we reminisce about our favorite moments from SIAC?"

They share stories, laughter, and quiet moments, reveling in the shared memories of the evening. Recalling how they met for the  first time in Library, bumping into each other while entering the classroom, him saving her from falling off the stairs, their valentine day's dance, Holi celebration, their first proposal, their hostel romance. Everything !! Those beautiful memories  didn't seem to be so long ago but almost 3 years had passed. Time flies honestly

Shaurya: (suddenly standing up) "I have an idea. How about a little slow dance in our living room? Just like old times."

Anokhi: (smiling) "I love that idea. Let's make our own after-party."

They sway to the music, wrapped up in each other's arms, creating their own intimate celebration. The cares of the world seem to fade away in the comfort of their shared space.

As the night progresses, they find joy in the simplicity of being together, cherishing the love that has grown stronger with each passing day. The after-party becomes a reflection of the enduring bond they share, a sanctuary filled with love and contentment.



I am damn sure many of you would have forgotten the story, So I Don't expect a good response.. our shakhi fandom seems to have lost these days (including myself) but that's how it is, life gets hectic and we move on. but while doing so, it is important to hold on to good memories so that we can cherish them for lifetime and SAAKK is one such memory for every Shakhian out there.vr

Nevertheless, Hope you guys liked the update..will keep posting chapters whenever i get time.

 please do vote and leave some comments. 


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