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Before starting with the update, I want my readers to know that it takes proper hard work and ample amount of time in writing a story. Every writer goes through writer's block, lack of motivation, disconnect with the story, falling short of expectations of their readers. BUT, despite that we try to make the story likeable for you guys. even in our hectic schedules we try to make out time for this. 

In return, we just expect some appreciation/constructive critisism from our readers. We want them to acknowledge our work through VOTES AND COMMENTS. The only way to get fast updates is to motivate a writer for his/her work. 

And so this time, I really want everyone to actively participate and NO SILENT READING IS ALLOWED.  This story is nearing its end and I would request each one of you to cherish the last few chapters so that I can justify the ending in a proper mannner.



In the gentle embrace of their home, a tender symphony of anticipation filled the air as their lives blossomed with the miracle of new beginnings. With each passing day, her growing belly became a testament to the precious life they had created together. And amid this beautiful journey, her husband stood by her side, his unwavering support a guiding light.

He held her hand, his touch filled with tenderness and reassurance, as they navigated the ups and downs of pregnancy together. Through the sleepless nights and the physical changes, he remained a steadfast pillar of strength, always ready to lend a helping hand.

In the quiet moments, he would kneel beside her, his voice a soothing balm to her weary body and soul. "You are doing amazing, Anokhi. Your strength and resilience inspire me every day."

With gentle gestures, he would prepare nourishing meals, ensuring she received the sustenance she needed. He lovingly placed pillows to support her growing belly and offered massages to ease the strain. His touch conveyed not only physical comfort but also an unspoken declaration of his unwavering love.

Together, they attended prenatal appointments, the melody of their dialogues merging with the sound of their baby's heartbeat. He listened intently to the doctor's instructions, absorbing every detail, determined to be an active participant in their journey toward parenthood.

 His voice held a mix of excitement and wonder. "Hearing our baby's heartbeat reminds me of the miracle we're creating. It's a melody that fills my heart with joy."

Her eyes glistened with tears of joy, her voice filled with tenderness. "I can't wait to meet our little one, to hold them in my arms and shower them with love. We are so blessed."

During moments of doubt and worry, he would wrap his arms around her, his voice a steady anchor in the storm. "We are in this together. You are never alone. We will face any challenge that comes our way, hand in hand."

In the tender embrace of an expectant journey, their love deepened and flourished as they embarked on the extraordinary path of pregnancy. 

He placed a gentle hand on her belly, his voice filled with awe. "Our love is growing within you Anokhi and I couldn't be happier."

She smiled, her eyes shining with adoration. "And you, Shaurya have been my rock throughout this journey. Your unwavering support and love make me feel cherished and empowered."

Late nights were spent discussing baby names, nursery decorations, and dreams for their growing family.

During quiet evenings, he would kneel beside her, his voice a soothing melody. "How are you feeling today? Is there anything I can do to make this journey easier for you?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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