Chapter 11: Getting the Technical

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*Three Horns Valley, Pandora*

Y/N's POV: 

Me, Shiki, Rebecca, and Happy were at Three Horns Valley on a Light Runner with me driving. drove in front of the gate they did not have a lookout. That's a really stupid life decision when you have a hideout that contains pretty much your entire gang. 

Shiki: So this is where they're keeping Roland. 

Happy: That place looks very fortify. 

Rebecca: But where are the bandits?

Lilith ECHO: Huh. No one seems to be around. Just drive up and honk your horn. Maybe this won't be so hard after all.

Y/N: You jinxed it. 

Shiki: Still, doesn't hurt to try. 

Y/N: Fair point. (honks the horn)

Bloodshot Bandit: Yeah, yeah! I'm opening the gate!

My eyes widened at the fact of how easy this was as the gate started lowering. 

Happy: Huh, that was easy.

Rebecca: Who knew bandits would be this dumb. 

Shiki: Yeah, maybe they'll let us-

Flanksteak ECHO: Hold it idiots! That don't look like one of our technicals! They're here for our hostage, get em!

The gate raised back up as we saw bandit turrets which fired straight at us. 

Y/N: Fuck! Told you that you jinxed it!

Lilith ECHO: Sorry. I didn't know it would actually happen. Give me a second. I'll find a solution.

We then saw Krieg and Gaige on a Runner as Gaige opened fire on the turret, and it blew up quickly after a few seconds of constant rounds. 

But then we could see there were bandits dropping down from the walls in an attempt to fight me. Did no good because they didn't last very long against this car's turrets. Didn't really take long to kill all of them.


Gaige: Yeah, we tried that before. 

Y/N: Well, now how are we going to get in?

Scooter ECHO: Mm mmm! You ain't gettin' in the dam that way, peppernip! The Bloodshots ain't lettin' you in without a truck like theirs. Go see my kin out in the Dust- she'll hook you up with some skeevy-lookin' wheels. Mm hmm!

Y/N: Sweet. There was a back up plan. 

Angel: I only understood part of that, but his sister will help you. Go find her. 

Scooter ECHO: Ellie's way out in bandit country. Be careful amigo, I mean it.

Y/N: We will Scooter, don't worry. We'll head to the Dust as soon as we can. Let's go pick up the others and get going.

*The Dust* 

Hours. And hours. And more hours it took for us to drive all the way to The Dust. Half of the time there was nothing but dust(ironic) in I vision as we went toward The Dust. I didn't bother contacting anyone as I figured that they wouldn't be very interested in me just driving. 

After what felt like days, we finally reached a gate with a sign that said 'The Dust' on it. Like most signs on this planet, it was written in blood.

Angel: This is it, Ellie's garage should be nearby. 

Y/N: Goddammit. Finally made it to The Dust.

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