Chapter 6

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Y/ns pov

Today was the first day we had classes. I woke to pansy shaking me waking me up.
"Come on y/n it's time to get up" she said as she walked away to her wardrobe.

I got up and headed straight for the shower and got ready.

We met the boys in the common room, we made our way to breakfast and sat down at our table, not many students were here yet, most of them probably still sleeping or running late.

We all ate breakfast and spoke about the classes we had for the day, funnily enough somehow we were all in the same classes today.

We all headed to potions and sat at our seats.

Snape barged in through the door, flicking his wand at all the windows one by one as the room gradually darkened with the shutters drawing shut.

"Turn to page 246 of your books" he said bluntly as if he hated everything and everyone.

He pulled down the projector screen and we watched something about a potion, i never really paid any attention.

I sat beside mattheo, he was staring at the screen as i was spinning a pencil In between my fingers.

Snape suddenly flicked his wand and the shutters opened, letting light fill the room.

"Now that you have watched what the potion does, I'm going to pass a vial of it round the classroom and you can tell us what you smell" snapped said as he walked to the back of the class handing me the vial.

"Lets start at the back and work our way to the front, miss lestrange, please tell everyone what you smell" he said in his unemotional tone.

The whole class was staring at me, i had no clue what this potion was or what it did, but i still took a smell.

"Uhm i can't really smell anything past mattheo cologne" i rolled my eyes.

The whole class started laughing and so did mattheo.

"What the fuck are you all laughing at" i spat.

"Love thats the amortentia potion" mattheo said with a grin on his face.

Fuck, id just let everyone know that the person i most desire in this world is mattheo. My cheeks grew red with embarrassment.

I passed the vial to mattheo, staring at him as he smelled it, hoping it would be me he smelled.

He looked at me and grinned before speaking his answer.

Mattheos pov

I could see how embarrassed y/n was, i felt bad, I decided to embarrass myself to help here feel better.

"I smell y/n" i said straight forward.

The class filled with people whistling and laughing at me, I didn't care, as long as y/n didn't feel embarrassed anymore.

"Your just saying that because she said she smelled you" Astoria said giggling.

"Well its not like he would smell your fishy knickers is it Astoria" y/n snapped back.

The whole class burst into laughter, even snape was fighting back a giggle. Anger was radiating across astorias face.

"Did you forget our little conversation in the great hall, or do i have to remind you" y/n sneered at her, astoria's face grew pale as she snapped her head back towards the front of the class.

"Thats what i fucking thought" y/n said as she sat back into her chair.
The whole class still giggling until snape smacked his hand on a table telling everyone to quiet down.

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