Chapter 30

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Tom's pov

It had been a long ass week, most of it spent decorating the nursery we were going to use for the twins, y/n wanted it dark emerald green and black with dark wood coloured furniture to match, we also bought all the things we would need for them, bellatrix and narcissa brought in people who owned baby shops in the wizarding world, they were trusted seeing as they were narcissas friends, they set up a spare room for them to bring everything they had from the shop, making into a makeshift one so y/n wouldn't miss out on going baby shopping for clothes, seeing as she wasn't aloud to leave the manor.
Y/n had also become quite...emotional, and by emotional i mean extremely angry and not to be fucked with emotional. She was like that already but this was just a whole new level, even draco kept his annoying ass at bay not to piss her off, it was like walking on eggshells around her, she got what she wanted whenever she wanted no matter how big or small it was.

The babies had grew again significantly and she was now almost full term, it was just a waiting game for her to go into labour now.

Me, mattheo and y/n were sat outside the manor with our friends, it was about lunchtime, it was cold out but y/n wanted to be outside so thats where we were.

"Can you tell what twin is which" mattheo said putting his hand on her bump.

"Yes, benjamin is here" she said moving his hand to the side of her stomach where i sat beside her.

"Christian is here" she said taking my hand and placing it on her other side.

"How can you tell" pansy said in amazement.

"I can feel mattheo's magic with Benjamin, since our powers are connected i feel mattheo's magic with one of them, its hard to explain" she giggled.

"And benjamin always hiccups constantly and i can tell his kicks and movements from benjamins, so i know thats Christian" she giggled again looking at me.

Suddenly i felt a thump against my hand, making y/n groan in pain slightly.

"Christian what the hell" she muttered as she scrunched her eyes shut.

"He's quite the strong little thing" i chuckled.

"I know, you would think benjamins kicks would hurt more since he is heavier" she said looking at mattheo with a smile.

"Oi, leave my little benny alone" he chuckled.

"Benny" draco said, his eyebrows perked in amusement.

"Yeah, I've nicknamed him benny" Mattheo chuckled making us all laugh.

I loved touching her bump, and talking to it, me and Mattheo would spend most nights talking to the babies through her bump, I tried speaking in parsel tongue once but y/n whacked me in the head for it.

Y/n got up from her seat, with difficulty obviously but i helped her stand.

"Where are you going" mattheo said now standing up.

"To pee, benny is pressing on my bladder" she chuckled.

We both began walking with her, until she looked at us both confused.

"I don't need bodyguards to do a pee, go sit with them, have a drink or something before the babies come" she chuckled.

Whats got her in a good mood?

"Uh are you sure" mattheo and i both said in unison.

"Yes go" she chuckled giving us both a kiss and waddling away to the manor.

We both looked at each other, shrugged and sat back down, taking some of the firewhiskey off our friends and having a drink.

About an hour passed, y/n still hadn't come back yet so we all decided to go check on her, some of us a bit tipsy.

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