Chapter 29

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Mattheo's pov

We were awoken by theo and blaise barging through the door, the two of them in a panic.

Both me and y/n shot up, tom still wasn't here and i looked at the clock, it was just past 3am.

"What the fuck" i said squinting my eyes rubbing them.

"You need to get up, both of you now" blaise said as they ran towards the bed.

"What is going on" y/n said looking at them both.

"There's no time to explain but we need to get you back to the manor" theo said as he took her hand, pulling her up. Thank god she put clothes on again before going to bed.

"I'm not going anywhere until you explain whats going on" y/n snapped.

"You're in danger, the order they are coming for you and the babies y/n" theo said his eyes wide with fear.

"What the fuck are you talking about nott"
I said, standing up straight away and taking y/n into my arms hugging her tightly.

"Everything will be explained when we get back to the manor but we need to go, now" blaise said.

"Where's all the rest of the group" y/n said clinging onto me tightly.

"The boys have already apparated them to the manor, we got told to get you two out of here" theo said.

"What why" y/n said looking up to him.

"Mattheo, we need to go NOW" theo said raising his voice slightly.

Before i could even say anything else i apparated us to the manor.

"Theo whats going on" y/n said looking up to him as she hugged me tightly.

"Lets get inside first" he said.

We entered the manor, walking through the halls to the lounge.

I emerged through the doors, the girls and the rest of the boys sitting on the couches, looking anxious.

"Can someone please bloody tell me whats going on" i said looking at them all.

"We were summoned, your father's needed help in the ministry, a bunch of deatheaters went there to look for the babies prophecy but the order was already there, with the golden trio, mad eye moody had already listened to the prophecy then smashed the ball before anyone else could listen, then a fight broke out and we were all summoned to help, they're was hundreds of order members, we've never seen anything like it, we killed a lot of them, we suffered a few loses but we are all okay, but now they know the prophecy and they said they would come for you, to kill you before you could give birth" draco said, his words rushed in a panic.

"Wh-what" i said, anger and fear radiating through me.

"Wheres tom" y/n said, her eyes brimming with tears at the news we just received.

"He was injured, one of the order members threw a spell at his ribs, he's in the medical room, they're about to start healing him, but" enzo paused slightly.

"What is it" y/n said her voice beginning to crack.

"The spell they used, it's an advanced one, if it doesn't kill the person it hits, it knocks them unconscious until you begin the healing process, but once the healing process begins it's extremely painful, like torture and they need to be awake the entire time for it to work" enzo said, slight tears in his eyes.

Before we could say anything else we all froze in our tracks, toms screams radiating through the manor.

"Oh god" y/n said, tears streaming from her eyes, she ran for the door, the group behind us as i ran with her, all of us making our way to the medical room as fast as possible, toms cries and screams getting louder and louder as we approached.

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