Chapter Twenty Five- Fresh Starts

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The last week of the school break was spent back in Portland at the guest house with Veda. Wren was spending quality time with Cam and Olympia. I was on a mission to get Veda settled and prepared for the new school year, and have her feeling confident in her fresh start.

I had decided with some guidance from those around me, that telling Veda about our mother being alive at a time of great emotional and physical upheaval for her, was a bad idea. It wasn't as if Millie wanted her, or came to save her from orphanhood. Millie didn't give two hoots. I was adamant though, that I would tell her, when she was more settled, and when she knew I wasn't going anywhere. I needed her to be confident in me first. I needed her to feel she could trust me, and that she would be safe in her reaction to this news, and I would stand by her and hold her as she felt it. Whatever it may be. Perhaps then she could understand a little better, without it destroying her confidence or her self worth. I didn't want Vedas teenage years to continue on being disturbed and destroyed by her parents poor decisions. If my one job was to get Veda to adulthood unscathed mentally and physically from any more adult trauma, than I would achieve just that. After all, Moira Dawson raised an over achiever in all things, other than domestic duties.

"What time is the Pool Party?" Came Vedas croaky half asleep voice. She padded into the living area in an oversized band t shirt and bed shorts, rubbing at her tired eyes. She was hours from being fifteen and yet I could picture her as a five year old looking quite the same with those big brown eyes and cute little tired face.

I sat criss cross apple sauce at my desk, looking back to my computer and typing away. "Pool party starts at Eleven. We will be fashionably late. You sleep like a bear in winter" I accused.

She looked over my shoulder and clocked the time on the computer screen "It's Ten thirty" she noted anxiously "why didn't you wake me up"

I lifted the coffee that had gone tepid and lifted it to my lips, taking a large gulp. "Just like a bear, you tend to bite when poked. Anyway..." I say turning to her beside me "I had a few admin jobs to complete first. Wren said it's casual. No rush"

She rolled her eyes "Millie....I'm not being late for this party. Josie got me a cake for my birthday and everything"

I took another sip and gestured to her "I'm not the one stood here in pyjamas" I remind her "I'm all set to go"

She gives me a once over "You don't look ready" she accuses.

"My swimsuit is on under my clothes" I throw back.

"Are you trying to attract Wren or repulse her" she asked, sticking her finger under the shoulder strap of the all in one black swimsuit and letting it snap back against my skin.

"Ouch" I squeak. "Not nice M J"

"Whose MJ" she asked.

"No one" I lie. Ahem *cough* Moira Junior.

"I suggest you put on a two piece with not a lot of fabric, and act like a twenty something if you want to attract the hottie you desire... or it's the  middle aged lesbians in home depo wearing the crocks with socks for you"

She turned to head back to her room and left me looking at myself with a more critical eye. I had thought the black all in one was cute. Clearly not.

She walked away in a huff, a strut I had come to recognise. She wouldn't be mad for long. Harper and Teddy were turning their end of summer pool party into a fifteenth birthday party for Veda. Nobody quite felt like a party since Mary passed away, and this was a good excuse to keep it on and all try and smile again. Mary would want us to continue on and celebrate.

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