Chapitre 2-The Encounter

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Time:7:30 AM
Location:Adam House

Adam wake up hearing a loud scream from Issei house

Adam:Ahhh...My ears!

Adam lowerd the volume of the voice recorder and start to get ready for school while listing to the talk it seems Rias has slept with Issei with him fearing he lost his virginity while sleeping

Adam:What a pervert he is.

Rias then explainned that nothing happen during the night and she slept with him so she can heal him she then proceed to tell that she is a devil and issei now is her pawn

Adam start to wear his outfit when he heard Issei mom entered the room

Adam:Well i guess i put the thing in mute and avoid a other yell.

Adam mute his recorder and leave the house and walk in the street he then start to remember the talk he had with his Lord


Adam just finish telling his report with proof from the voice recorder the pictures and video taken,The Demon Lord did not saying anything listening and look at the proof and thinking about the situation

Demon Lord:I must say i am suprise by this...Devils and Fallen Angels living in this world as human being...then the angels are not far away.

Adam:What should i do with the current situation.

Demon Lord brought the photos Rias,Yuma and Issei up close

Demon Lord:You continue your assingnment at Kuoh academey as for the Gremory and the one named Sona keep a eyes on them and anyone that share they devil magic.
As for Issei the Fallen Angels named yuma said something about sacred gear he has,i guess that is why Rias is interested in and made him her servant he has maybe something very powerful in him keep the over watch on him but i want you to delete his memory about you saying that you remember yuma.


Demon Lord:And for last the Fallen Angel you said that no one in the academey remember yuma after the night she stabbing Issei and you are the only that remember that mean that the other got they memories wipe out and since you are the only left that remember.

Adam:I will be a target to kill.

Demon Lord:Correct.The good news you can test Arclight.

Adam:Yea i will toy with them then maybe finish of one of them since i have promise to hold.

Demon Lord:I read your request of having a facehugger for her after killing Issei but it this a little bit over the worse dead possible i wont mind if she die by piranha.

Adam:Nah it is quick and very painful i like to be very slow but still be painful plus i want to know what happen when a facehugger meet a fallen angel and what we get.

Demon Lord:I guess doing some experiment on that is not bad since we know what happen when it meet a corcodile...Fine i send you a facehugger.

Sunddenly a facehugger came on Adam right shoulder Adam called a shadow portal and ordered the facehugger inside and it went in then he close the portal

Demon Lord:When it's attached to her face send her to me throught your shadow portal...Now with everything said it's time for me to leave.

Adam give a bow

Adam:Until we meet again my lord.

Demon Lord was about to cut the call until he noticed Adam looking at one of the photos he start looking at it, he brought the photo close to him to see

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